The King of Cups tarot card meaning relates to a person, your personality traits, or a situation. You are the master of your emotions.
The King of Cups can be a romantic interest. He is intuitive and benevolent.
The King of Cups tarot card indicates you’ve reached an apex of emotional maturity. You have conquered your unconscious desires and awakened your intuition.
The King of Cups as a man is nurturing, protective, and paternal. He is a romantic or father figure who helps you align with your deeper feelings.
King of Cups zodiac sign is Scorpio. The King of Cups can be a Scorpio man close to you or calls you to express your Scorpio-like instincts and intuition.
Upright | Paternalism, Fulfillment, Emotional Mastery |
Reversed | Suspicion, Jealousy, Gaslighting |
Yes or No | Yes |
Arcana | Minor Arcana |
Element | Water |
Zodiac Sign | Scorpio |
Angel Number | 14 |
Stone | Citrine |
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Common Symbolism
The King of Cups symbolism is associated with the water element, which corresponds to feelings, family, and relationships. Traditionally, the imagery depicts a man sitting on a throne on the sea.
He holds a chalice in one hand and a scepter in the other. He is serene and inviting; his chalice is held up as if in a toast. Sometimes the King of Cups is a wise older man. Sometimes, he is a fish, raven, or merman.
The King of Cups is calm amid stormy seas. His symbolism represents centeredness, maturity, intuition, and benevolent guidance. He is deep, wise, and romantic.
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Upright General Meaning
The King of Cups meaning seems complicated. This card relates to aspects of your personality, someone close to you, or a situation in which you find yourself. Your relationship progresses, you find completion, and your emotional mastery is essential.
The King of Cups tarot card portends emotional completion, fulfillment, and increased commitment to a relationship. The King of Cups can represent a father figure or your father. You may have the support of a caring mature man who nurtures your efforts.
Your home and family are in the spotlight. The King of Cups centers you and grounds you in a career path that supports others emotionally and brings emotional healing.
You may be confident in your romantic life, and your family and home life are in order. The King of Cups suggests you are protected and can relax and enjoy the company of the people you love.
The King of Cups represents your compassion and empathy for others. You can easily express your protective and nurturing energy when the King of Cups appears. A Scorpio or someone who acts like a Scorpio is instrumental to your success.
The King of Cups tarot yes or no readings affirm your desires come to fruition. The answer to your question is yes if your query relates to love, family, home, and happiness.
The King of Cups in tarot guides you to show empathy and compassion for others. You may be more protective of your home and family when this card appears in a reading.
The King of Cups as feelings relates to happiness, contentment, serenity, and joy. Your emotional outlook is positive, and you feel abundant love and compassion.
Upright Love & Relationships
The King of Cups in love can be a positive omen. You find completion and fulfillment in romance now and are happy in love.
A future love interest may be a Scorpio man who comes into your life soon. You may find happiness and connection with someone mysterious, charming, creative, and empathetic.
An emotionally deep and spiritual relationship helps awaken your intuition and solidify your commitment to a love interest. The King of Cups suggests your relationship is growing and maturing.
The King of Cups in family relationships speaks of a connection to a father or father figure or your readiness to become a father. Your relationship with your father is in the spotlight.
A father figure supports your growth. You may have news that you will be a parent soon. Pay attention to the King of Cups’ advice, and your relationships will improve.
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Upright Money & Career
The King of Cups tarot card in money and career reading indicates you are in line for promotion. Your compassion and kindness align you for success at work.
You may impress a powerful, good-natured man. Your workplace relationships are supportive and encouraging, and a boss or supervisor takes you under their wing as a father figure.
The King of Cups has a romantic connotation and can indicate a love affair with a mature man from your workplace or someone who shares your career path. Your professional life becomes entwined with your personal life when the King of Cups appears in a career reading.
A wise and intuitive investor helps you succeed when the King of Cups shows up in a money reading. Your father or a father figure gives you a valuable gift, or you inherit money from a generous man.
You may receive a financial gift from a kind-hearted, generous, and caring man. You are happy with your finances and have enough to live comfortably.
Upright Health
The King of Cups gives a favorable prognosis when this card appears in a health reading. You have reason to celebrate and can relax knowing you’re in good shape and your health is solid.
Your emotional health is in the spotlight. The King of Cups portends serenity and emotional mastery; you recover from an emotional downturn or bout of depression, or other emotional turbulence. Your outlook improves, and you are happy and comfortable.
You have all the support you need from people who love you and make an impact on your health. You recover from a health condition or health scare.
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Upright Spirituality
You become wiser and more intuitive when the King of Cups tarot card appears in a spirituality reading. Your quest has shown you that your legacy and connection to others are part of your purpose. You learn the power of transformation and self-sacrifice.
You complete a spiritual initiation and may rise to a new status in a religious or spiritual group. A caring and compassionate guru inspires you to develop your intuition and spiritual connection.
Your spiritual path is enhanced by a combination of masculine and feminine energy. You may follow the lead of historic compassionate saints or ascended masters.
Reversed General Meaning
The King of Cups tarot reversed distorts the best strengths of this sign. The archetype of the King of Cups is benevolent, caring, and protective. The King of Cups reversed portends an insecure and emotionally manipulative man.
A typically reliable father figure is unsupportive or acts uncharacteristically detached or deceptive. A romantic partner who is caring and sensitive becomes selfish and possessive.
Sometimes the King of Cups reversed represents the worst qualities of a Scorpio man coming to the surface. A mental health crisis or addiction leads someone you love to lash out and act jealous and manipulative.
Discern whether a relationship is salvageable when this card appears reversed. Someone close to you needs understanding and compassion from you to find balance and perspective.
The King of Cups reversed suggests you must work to correct a flaw or repair a relationship so the best of this archetype’s characteristics can become apparent. Be vigilant about who you trust but don’t automatically dismiss someone who may need your compassion.
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Reversed Love & Relationships
The King of Cups reversed in love readings indicates a relationship going sour. You don’t need to give up on your partnership, but your relationship needs revival. Your feelings are stagnant, or you may become possessive of each other.
Avoid controlling and codependent dynamics in your relationships. You may be using your emotional connection to manipulate someone close to you or vice versa. The King of Cups reversed means you must be honest about your subconscious fears and intentions.
Fear of abandonment leads you to become possessive and jealous. Break a cycle of codependency when this card appears reversed. Cultivate open communication and be honest about what you need from your partner.
You may be on the brink of attracting a serious relationship but must work on yourself to be ready. Your love interest may not be who you think they are. Pay attention now, as actions speak louder than words.
Reversed Money & Career
The reversed King of Cups in career readings portends disappointment in the relationships among your colleagues. You don’t feel supported by the people you must appeal to in your career.
A boss or supervisor is deceiving you. Someone may pretend to have your best interests at heart but back out of an agreement. A colleague or supervisor has an ulterior motive; use discretion when revealing your intentions and ideas to coworkers.
Master your emotions as a colleague or work situation gets under your skin when the King of Cups appears reversed. You expected praise or recognition but instead are criticized. Promotion doesn’t come to fruition.
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Reversed Health
The King of Cups reversed in a health reading suggests your emotions are out of balance, taking a toll on your health. You may struggle with addictions or emotional wounds and need to work on finding support and perspective as you recover.
The King of Cups reversed also indicates a father or father figure falling ill or struggling with his health. Likewise, an older man close to you, such as a partner or romantic interest may also have ill health when this card is reversed.
When the King of Cups is reversed, health issues related to emotional imbalance, or recovery are thwarted because of a negative outlook and depressed attitude. Compassion, love, and support are integral to healing and recovery.
Reversed Spirituality
The King of Cups tarot card reversed in a spirituality reading suggests you are following a misguided guru. Your spiritual path is distorted as you may be susceptible to possessiveness and insecurities.
You may be deceived by a manipulative spiritual leader. The King of Cups reversed warns you to dig deeper in search of connection. You are being distracted by superficial matters and missing the bigger picture in your spiritual quest.
The King of Cups tarot reversed can represent your Shadow side. You may be falling prey to selfish desires and must work on showing balance and empathy for others.
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