Tarot Ash

Beginner-Friendly Tarot Reading


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Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning (Destiny & Interference)

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card meaning relates to divine timing, synchronicity, and luck. Stop trying to control things when the Wheel of Fortune tarot appears. Be spontaneous, and you’ll be in the right place at the right time. The Wheel of Fortune tarot card is one of the most exciting cards on the deck. […]


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Twelve-Month Tarot Spread

The twelve-month tarot spread gives you a long-range forecast of events for the coming year. This spread is ideal for New Year. Yet you can start a twelve-month spread with tarot any time in the year and make predictions for the months ahead. The twelve-month tarot spread helps you anticipate themes and opportunities coming your […]


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What Are The Best Tarot Readings?

The best tarot readings have some common elements. Tarot readings vary in style and purpose. The best tarot readings online or in person share common factors. You can learn to recognize aspects of a quality tarot reading. Judging the best tarot readings can be complicated. Evaluating a tarot reading is a subjective process. Some people […]