The Knight of Cups tarot card corresponds to a person, an aspect of your personality, and events in your life. Knights indicate change.
The Knight of Cups relates to a change in relationship status. A relationship improves, and someone expresses desire.
The Knight of Cups is a messenger of love and brings change and advancement to your relationships. Your love life gets a boost when the Knight of Cups appears.
Someone opens their heart to you and pours out their feelings. You may meet a sensitive younger person who helps to guide you.
The Knight of Cups tarot as a person is emotional, artistic, and spiritual. Portrayed as a young man, the Knight of Cups is intuitive and empathetic.
Upright | Change of Feelings, Growing Love, Catharsis |
Reversed | Stagnation, Suppressed Feelings, Deceit |
Yes or No | Yes |
Arcana | Minor Arcana |
Element | Water |
Zodiac Sign | Pisces |
Angel Number | 12 |
Stone | Amethyst |
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Common Symbolism
The Knight of Cups tarot card symbolism corresponds to the element of water. The symbols on various decks include mermaids, seashells, and fish. Traditionally, chalices symbolize the cups suit.
A man rides a gray horse at a slow and steady pace. He holds a chalice out in front of him as if he is making an offering. He wears a blue suit of armor with a long blue tunic on which red or orange fish appear.
His horse walks across a landscape featuring a stream. The landscape seems barren; there are no trees. The Knight heads in the direction of mountains in the distance. The symbolism of this card suggests you are about to learn refreshing news like “water in a desert.”
The horse’s gait suggests a change comes at a slow to moderate pace. The Knight of Cups portends movement and growth in love but brings the warning not to rush the process.
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Upright General Meaning
The Knight of Cups tarot card meaning portends good omens in love and optimism in your relationships. You feel supported and encouraged by those close to you.
Your friends and loved ones inspire you to make needed changes. Your relationships improve, and an attraction or love interest becomes serious about you. Someone professes their love for you, and you begin moving toward commitment.
The Knight of Cups relates to processes underway that eventually bring happiness. You stop planning and start acting on your dreams, especially in love, family, and emotional healing.
The Knight of Cups yes or no reading indicates a favorable outcome. You find relief and happiness when this card appears in a reading. The answer to your question is yes if your query relates to pursuing love, traveling, or working on starting a family.
The Knight of Cups as feelings points toward positivity, happiness, and joy. You feel better about your situation and are optimistic about the future.
Upright Love & Relationships
When the Knight of Cups tarot is upright in a relationship reading, you have nothing to fear and can trust in your partnership. Your relationship progresses, and you reach a milestone with your partner.
Although your relationship has become more serious now, the Knight of Cups in love doesn’t indicate marriage in the present. Rather, your prospects are good for marriage in the future. You’re on your way to settling down, but work is necessary.
The Knight of Cups indicates a change of pace in your relationship. You may become swept away by passion and love. You actively court a love interest or they court you. The Knight of Cups tarot advice is to work to build the family and love life you desire.
The Knight of Cups suggests you are growing emotionally, and your relationships are maturing. Your love life is exciting and adventurous, and you may travel with a partner when the Knight of Cups tarot card appears.
The Knight of Cups guides you to be spontaneous in love. Say yes to new prospects and opportunities. Be open to following your partner’s lead when this card appears in a reading.
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Upright Money & Career
The Knight of Cups meaning money and career implies movement and growth because of your charisma. Your relationships are essential to career growth.
A new project allows you to travel and meet new people. You strengthen a bond with colleagues and peers in your industry, and this helps you advance professionally. Your investment in your career is heightened.
The Knight of Cups can indicate a younger man whose advice and nurturing encourage you to advance professionally. A creative, artistic, and intuitive colleague supports your career success.
Your financial situation can either improve slightly because of gifts or the support of a loved one. Yet the Knight of Cups in a money reading also brings a warning. Avoid letting emotion cloud your judgment in financial matters.
The Page of Cups followed by the Knight or the Knight of Cups followed by the Queen of King suggests financial or career growth. You may receive a promotion or recognition for a job well done.
Upright Health
The Knight of Cups tarot portends positive changes that improve your emotional well-being. You find direction and purpose, and a quest close to your heart helps improve your health.
The cups suit relates to emotion and relationships more than physical health. Yet if you are waiting for a prognosis or diagnosis, the Knight of Cups indicates you can act to improve your health and recover from an illness or injury.
Your health is related to the stability of your relationships when the Knight of Cups appears. Supportive loved ones help you restore your health and encourage recovery and wellness.
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Upright Spirituality
The Knight of Cups tarot in spirituality readings points to intuitive growth. Your psychic connection becomes stronger when this card appears. This is an ideal time for a spiritual quest.
Connection with like-minded people helps you break from complacency and pursue spiritual connection. Spiritual growth bolsters your healing and improves your relationships now.
You young man or younger person use their artistic and creative skills to appeal to your spiritual interests. You can learn new insights from a young or novice member of a spiritual group.
Reversed General Meaning
The Knight of Cups reversed indicates a loss of connection or enthusiasm. You lose motivation on your quest, or success takes longer than expected. You feel unsupported by others which put a damper on your plans.
You may encounter someone who appears supportive but proves deceptive. Your connection to others does not bring the encouragement you needed. The Knight of Cups tarot card reversed brings insecurities and disrupts your connection to others.
You may second guess a relationship, or question the sincerity of people who claim to be supportive of you. The Knight of Cups reversed means you need a supportive shoulder to cry on but have difficulty finding a reliable confidant.
You may stifle feelings and try to deny your pain and wounds when the Knight of Cups appears reversed. You have worked to nurture a relationship but are repressing your feelings.
The Knight of Cups tarot reversed yes or no indicates you will have a favorable outcome, but you must wait. You don’t have a clear sense that your actions work out favorably, but they will in time.
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Reversed Love & Relationships
When the Knight of Cups tarot card appears reversed in a relationship reading you are disappointed by someone you thought trustworthy. Your path to love has many detours now.
You may encounter a young person who flatters you and tells you what you want to hear. Don’t fall for deceptions, trust your intuition, and don’t take others at face value.
Work through illusions and confusion when the Knight of Cups appears reversed. Just because you want something to be true doesn’t make it so. Avoid projecting your wishes and hopes onto others.
You may expect someone to take your side or show support, but they don’t come through for you. Be honest about your relationships when the Knight of Cups tarot card is reversed.
Reversed Money & Career
The Knight of Cups tarot reversed in career readings can leave you feeling disappointed. You have growth opportunities but must adjust your expectations.
You don’t easily make progress toward your professional goals when the Knight of Cups tarot card is reversed. Your illusions are shattered, and you must see a situation clearly before you can make changes.
A colleague or peer in your profession undermines your progress. Someone you are counting on to help you complete a project doesn’t follow through. You miss making a connection with someone in your network.
Finances are stagnant or disappointing when you find the Knight of Cups reversed in a reading. You don’t have the support you expected. Spending to satisfy a partner or love interest leaves you drained and frustrated.
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Reversed Health
The Knight of Cups reversed in a health reading suggests your health suffers because of overindulgence. Excessive drinking or indulging in your favorite comfort foods is a source of ill health.
Your emotions are out of balance, and emotional health is integral for physical health. You must work to resume balance. Your friends and family enable unhealthy habits.
Separate yourself from the influence of others when the Knight of Cups appears reversed in a reading. Don’t let others sway you to overindulge and ignore your health needs.
Reversed Spirituality
The Knight of Cups tarot card reversed in a spirituality reading suggests you are mistaking wishes and fantasies for intuition. You are losing focus on your spiritual quest and may fall for an intriguing guru.
Avoid putting all your faith in someone who glosses over deeper issues and uses superficial trappings of spirituality to get attention. Spiritual “influencers” may catch your attention, but your path requires reflection.
Suppressing, ignoring, or avoiding the bigger spiritual questions backfires. The Knight of Cups reversed requires you to examine your spiritual beliefs and practices on a deeper level.
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