The Nine of Cups tarot card is one of the most positive for love and romance. Your wishes come true when this card appears.
The Nine of Cups brings a silver lining to any situation. Growth, blessings, and achievements are imminent.
The Nine of Cups tarot card indicates contentment, fulfillment, and satisfaction. You find the happiness and joy you’ve desired when this card appears.
Though you haven’t reached the end of a journey, you finally see the fruits of your emotional labor. Your heart is overjoyed, and you have an abundance of happiness.
The Nine of Cups tarot card indicates celebration. The Nine of Cups tarot yes or no shows an affirmative answer. You get what you want when this card appears.
Upright | Contentment, Celebration, Joy |
Reversed | Ingratitude, Avarice, Overindulgence |
Yes or No | Yes |
Arcana | Minor Arcana |
Element | Water |
Zodiac Sign | Cancer |
Angel Number | 9 |
Stone | Diamond |
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Common Symbolism
The Nine of Cups symbolism suggests abundance and love. A figure sits with arms folded over a round belly indicating affluence and grandiosity. Behind the figure, a table stretches across the background lined with chalices.
All nine chalices stand in a row as if the figure sits before a feast; the imagery of the Nine of Cups in other decks suggests a Bacchanalia. Symbols of abundance, and generosity appear.
The figure wears a red hat associated with status. The Nine of Cups symbolism also includes images of feasting, celebrations, and indulgence in other decks.
The Nine of Cups symbolism often involves a table with a full spread of drinks and food. The figure is ready to welcome partygoers and guests. All are welcome at the table; the Nine of Cups symbolism suggests sharing and generosity.
In some variations of the tarot, the Nine of Cups symbolism is minimal. Nine chalices stand in a pattern. Modern decks use symbols like tea cups.
In some decks, the chalices are above the figure’s head in the air. Other decks portray a tall table with the nine chalices rising above the figure’s head.
The symbolism of the nine chalices above the figure indicates love and abundance must be shared, not hoarded. The chalices represent love, joy, and healing, these supersede ego.
The Nine of Cups symbolism relates to the water element. Some decks use seashells, fish, or other things to represent the correspondence to water.
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Upright General Meaning
The Nine of Cups tarot card indicates joy, happiness, and celebration. The card appears when you are almost at the end of a journey, and the results are satisfying and fulfilling.
You have an abundance of joy and happiness to share with others. Your heart is overflowing with love, and your attitude is optimistic. A party, festival, or holiday is coming.
You may have a wedding to look forward to when the Nine of Cups appears. The Nine of Cups portends good news. Healing, joy, and pleasure abound when this card appears.
Pursue your heart’s desires when the Nine of Cups tarot card appears. You can find joy and pleasure in sharing what you love. Avoid scarcity and show others generosity and affection when the Nine of Cups appears.
Upright Love & Relationships
The Nine of Cups tarot card in love and relationships reading is a harbinger of growth, success, and connection. Others support you. Love flows freely when this card appears.
The Nine of Cups tarot shows attraction, pleasure, and sensuality. You find a reason to celebrate. Your partnership and friendships are a source of joy.
Your love interest shows their affection and feelings for you. A positive milestone, such as marriage, is imminent when the Nine of Cups tarot card appears in a love reading.
The Six of Cups followed by the Nine of Cups indicates a relationship that evolves quickly to marriage or commitment. You resolve past wounds and difficulties. You find happiness and contentment.
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Upright Money & Career
The Nine of Cups tarot card in money and career readings portends growth, expansion, and achievement. You are welcomed into a happy work environment and share a victory with your colleagues.
The Knight of Cups followed by the Nine of Cups suggests a promotion or change of workplaces that brings fulfillment and happiness. You find contentment because of a change in the industry.
With the Nine of Cups, future prospects lead to happiness. The cups suit doesn’t portend material wealth. The Nine of Cups suggests an abundance of happiness in your career.
Your financial situation is a source of happiness when the Nine of Cups appears. The Page of Cups followed by the Nine of Cups shows significant growth and happiness in your work and financial life.
The Nine of Cups followed by the Ten of Cups suggests you find fulfillment in a promotion. Your career advances quickly, and you are happy with your professional status and network.
The King of Cups followed by the Nine of Cups suggests a promotion in your career that results in happiness and satisfaction. Your status and fulfillment improve in your career.
Upright Health
The Nine of Cups guides you to slow down on indulgences. You may go overboard seeking pleasure, and your health suffers if you go to extremes.
Your health and wellness require a social connection. You have the support of others. Be careful to avoid people who enable unhealthy habits like excessive drinking or eating.
You accomplish a milestone related to your health when the Nine of Cups tarot card appears. Don’t overindulge in pleasures that undermine a healthy accomplishment.
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Upright Spirituality
The Nine of Cup’s advice in spirituality is that giving is better than receiving. You can attain wisdom and connection by sharing openly. The Nine of Cups portends an abundance of love and generosity.
Shared rituals and spiritual practices are a source of enlightenment. You find a spiritual connection in acts of pleasure. A spiritual path involving sensual expression and the pursuit of joy appeals to you.
You connect with a group that uplifts your spiritual quest now. The Nine of Cups suggests the temptation to go to extremes. Avoid zealous spiritual pursuits now.
Reversed General Meaning
The Nine of Cups reversed doesn’t lose its positivity. The meaning of the Nine of Cups remains optimistic and celebratory when the card appears reversed in a reading.
Going too far to pursue pleasure brings consequences. Avoid too much of a good thing. The Nine of Cups tarot reversed suggests overindulging in alcohol, food, or spending.
You may be too eager to please others and go too far to express your love and affection. Moderation is difficult when this tarot card is reversed in a reading.
You may become too attached to a relationship, avoid going to extremes in all matters. Suffocating a partner with possessive love is not advised. Overindulgence brings consequences now.
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Reversed Love & Relationships
The Nine of Cups tarot card reversed in love suggests you are losing perspective. You’re trying too hard to impress a love interest or partner, but your generosity is more manipulation.
Be honest about your intentions. The Nine of Cups reversed suggests you must find balance and ground your relationship in practicality. You don’t easily face reality in a relationship when this card appears.
You fall for illusions or are too optimistic. You don’t accurately see a situation for what it is when the Nine of Cups is reversed, and your zeal and eagerness to make others happy can backfire.
Reversed Money & Career
The Nine of Cups tarot reversed in money, and career readings suggest you are misplacing your trust. Make adjustments to your perspective so you can complete a project.
Your career improves after you realign your priorities. Work to find a balance between your career pursuits and pleasures. Relationships and career decisions need your attention.
You can accomplish more than you imagined, but you must be careful not to sabotage yourself. Overindulgence in pleasure stands in the way of your career. Work through illusions and focus on achieving your goals.
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Reversed Health
The Nine of Cups reversed in a health reading indicates you are going too far in a quest for pleasure. Your intensity and ambitions lead you to compromise your health.
A period of abstinence from alcohol and certain foods is instrumental to your wellness and recovery. Going to extremes jeopardizes your health.
Find balance and moderation in your routines for your health to improve. The Nine of Cups tarot card reversed suggests you’ve gone too far seeking instant gratification.
Reversed Spirituality
The Nine of Cups reversed appears when you must work through grief to find spiritual fulfillment. You are distracted by desires and pleasure-seeking.
The Nine of Cups reversed calls for you to simplify your life. Work through traumas and losses to find spiritual fulfillment. Ground yourself in practical matters and avoid overindulgence.
A period of abstinence from pleasurable routines and substances brings heightened spiritual awareness. The Nine of Cups reversed requires cleansing and clearing that leads to enlightenment.
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