The King of Wands tarot card meaning relates to philosophy, protectiveness, and mastery.
Like other court cards, the King of Wands can be a person or situation. The King of Wands connotes experience and authority.
The King of Wands is a leader and philosophical guide who follows his passions and puts his ideas into action. The King of Wands is determined and willful.
Though typically a wise and benevolent guide, the King of Wands can be tenacious and ambitious. The King of Wands card appears when a helpful guide intervenes in your life.
You have the support of a boss or leader. An older man brings wisdom and guidance. An authority figure helps you follow your passions and succeed.
Upright | Philosophical, Protective, Authority |
Reversed | Dominant, Manipulative, Stubborn |
Yes or No | Yes |
Arcana | Minor Arcana |
Element | Fire |
Zodiac Sign | Sagittarius |
Angel Number | 14 |
Stone | Tourmaline |
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Common Symbolism
The King of Wands symbolism relates to the element of fire. A man sits on a throne, his profile in view as he faces the side. His posture is defensive, and he leans forward, ready to move at a moment’s notice.
The back of his throne has a yellow banner adorned with salamanders. The King wears a red tunic. The colors yellow and red correspond to the intense and passionate fire element.
The presence of salamanders denotes the fire element, reinforcing this symbolism. The King holds a wand and a salamander crawls on the ground at his feet.
The symbolism of this card reiterates passion, attentiveness, and focus. The King of Wands listens intently and is ready to act on his ideas. His posture suggests self-preservation and symbols of the fire element surrounding him.
In other variations of this card, the King of Wands symbolism includes dragons. He sometimes appears with dragons or serpents as symbols of fire.
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Upright General Meaning
The King of Wands suggests the presence of an authoritative but benevolent helper. The King of Wands appears when a leader empowers you or designates empowering traits within yourself.
The King of Wands as a person resembles the zodiac sign Sagittarius. The archetype of this card is the philosopher-king. You are guided by a generous, independent, and passionate man.
A dynamic person helps inspire you and encourages your mastery of a topic. You advance to a position of power and status. The King of Wands appears when you have reached a peak in your romantic or professional life.
The King of Wands’ age is associated with middle age or late adulthood. The presence of this card indicates an adult or elder instrumental in helping you succeed. Maturity, experience, and wisdom are associated with this card.
The King of Wands advice is to know when to follow your instincts. More than any other card, the King of Wands knows when it’s time for action even if others question your motives.
Upright Love & Relationships
The King of Wands in love is a passionate and devoted partner. A mature man expresses a desire for you. A love interest goes from flirting to showing serious feelings for you.
Your relationship matures when the King of Wands appears in a tarot reading on love. You maintain a hot and spicey connection with someone who shows their protective and devoted nature.
The King of Wands relationship outcome bodes well for your partnership. A partner shows desire for you and pursues marriage or other signs of dedication. Your relationship is exciting and serious.
You may travel with a partner or experience an enticing and sizzling hot sex life. The King of Wands appears when you need to liven up your partnership and this card won’t disappoint you.
The Ace of Wands followed by the King of Wands suggests your relationship moves quickly from flirtation to devotion. Your partner is infatuated with you and you share an intense romance.
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Upright Money & Career
The King of Wands meaning in career suggests success and mastery. You become an authority in your field. Advancement and promotion are likely.
A wise man acts on your behalf and your career prospects grow. A boss or supervisor takes you under their wing to show you trade secrets. Your career growth is inevitable and you are seen as an expert.
Others seek your authority and wisdom when the King of Wands appears. You may be instinctual and impetuous but you are seen as a leader in your field.
Your finances improve when the King of Wands appears. You make an impulsive decision related to investing but your choices pay off.
Upright Health
The King of Wands in health indicates vitality, energy, and balance. Unlike the Page of Wands or Knight of Wands, the King suggests you have achieved a balance between rest and activity.
Exercise and challenging activities keep you in shape. You are an authority on your health and know what is best for your body. Diet, exercise, and daily routines support strength and wellness.
The King of Wands seldom indicates illness or injuries. Depending on the context of surrounding cards, the King of Wands can indicate injuries related to activity and fast paces such as a car or sports accidents.
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Upright Spirituality
The King of Wands tarot card in spirituality appears when you have matured in your spiritual quest. Others seek your wisdom and you are an authority on your spiritual path.
When the King of Wands appears in a tarot card reading, your passions and desires lead you to spiritual fulfillment. You find a connection to others and your spiritual source through hedonism and pleasure.
You may lead others as a spiritual guide or help others find empowerment and confidence. The King of Wands can indicate you initiate into a new level of wisdom and become adept in your spiritual quest.
The King of Wands appears in a reading to encourage you to be confident and open up about your spiritual ideas. You can be passionate about your spiritual path and eager to share your wisdom with others.
Reversed General Meaning
The King of Wands reversed brings out the worst traits of the Sagittarius personality. You are led astray by a vain and fickle guide. You indulge in frivolous pursuits and miss opportunities.
Lack of follow-up leads you to miss your chance to advance professionally. The King of Wands reversed appears when you are influenced by a grandiose, impractical person.
You desire status and wealth but take unwise risks. Gambling won’t lead to success when the King of Wands is reversed in a reading. Your luck wears off, and you pay the consequences of poor judgment.
The reversed King of Wands can indicate you have been deceived by a leader who is not who they claim to be. You may feel demoralized because a powerful person doesn’t support you in the ways you expected.
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Reversed Love & Relationships
The King of Wands reversed in love portends problems with a partner who tells you what you want to hear but doesn’t follow through. You are dissatisfied with an indifferent and detached lover.
Your partner becomes aloof and selfish. Money troubles plague your relationship. You seek a passionate, fulfilling romance, but your partner doesn’t share your feelings.
The King of Wands tarot card reversed indicates roadblocks in love. Work to revive a romantic connection. Bring passion and excitement into your love life.
The King of Wands reversed appears when you are misguided in love. Your impulses and passions lead you to misplace trust. Pay attention to red flags in your relationship when the reversed King of Wands appears.
Reversed Money & Career
The King of Wands reversed in career appears when you are losing your focus. Your desire for status and your ambition lead you off the path to success.
Don’t put your faith in a leader who doesn’t walk his talk. The King of Wands reversed can indicate a stalemate at work or stagnation on your career path. Advancement and promotion are delayed.
The reversed King of Wands encourages you to take advantage of new opportunities. Overanalyzing can lead you to miss a lead or opportunity.
Your finances suffer because of risky investments and careless decisions. The King of Wands reversed indicates a departure from your financial plan leads to regrettable investments.
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Reversed Health
The King of Wands reversed in a health reading indicates you have been too confident in your health and strength. Inflammation or burnout is likely.
Slow down and give yourself a break. A strenuous workout or challenging routine makes you feel exhausted. Pay attention to red flags and take time to rest.
You risk being accident or injury prone when the King of Wands appears reversed. The King of Wands reversed guides you to be careful and avoid acting impulsively.
Reversed Spirituality
The King of Wands reversed in spirituality means you are losing focus on your spiritual path. Egotistical desires supersede your spiritual path.
Your ambition and desire for status can interfere with your spiritual growth. A spiritual leader disappoints you and creates frustration. You question your faith when the reversed King of Wands appears.
The reversed King of Wands meaning indicates you are self-seeking and forgetting your connection with others. Be open to nurturing your connection to your higher source and community.
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