The Three of Swords meaning is clear from this card’s ominous imagery. Heartbreak, disappointment, and sadness await.
Take a lesson from the Three of Swords. Avoid denial and pay attention to red flags before a conflict escalates.
The Three of Swords appears in a reading when you must face harsh facts. A wake-up call warns you that things aren’t what they seem.
Someone you love disappoints you or doesn’t live up to your expectations. You receive bad news and must change your plans to adapt.
The Three of Swords is associated with heartache, sadness, and loss though. It brings lessons on discernment and healing.
Upright | Disappointment, Betrayal, Jealousy |
Reversed | Suspicion, Insecurities, Unfounded Fears |
Yes or No | No |
Arcana | Minor Arcana |
Element | Air |
Zodiac Sign | Libra |
Angel Number | 3 |
Stone | Bloodstone |
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Common Symbolism
The Three of Swords symbolism makes its meaning clear. A large heart floats against a gray backdrop. Three swords pierce the heart. One sword stabs the heart down the middle, and the others form an “X.”
In some variations, the background portrays a rainstorm. Three clouds converge, and rain spills to the ground below. The symbolism implies shedding tears.
Heartbreak and the feeling of being “stabbed” or betrayed by someone are apparent in the card’s symbolism. The number three is also significant. Three people betray you. Someone you love commits a third offense against you.
The Three of Swords third party involved in a love triangle is a common association with this card. Someone meddles with your life or crosses you as indicated by the position of the three swords.
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Upright General Meaning
The Three of Swords meaning indicates difficult but necessary news. You must face facts and accept that someone you care about has hurt you. You are being lied to or deceived.
You feel betrayed, and your jealousy is provoked. The Three of Swords as feelings relate to insecurity, fear, and heartbreak. Someone lets you down, and you may sense you should have seen it coming but ignored earlier warning signs.
Other times, the Three of Swords appears as a surprise. Someone you never suspected betrays you, and it is only in retrospect that you understand they never shared your best interests. Your illusions are shattered when the Three of Swords appears.
Something you counted on falls apart and you’re left dealing with the pain of disappointment. You may have gotten ahead of yourself in the past, or someone intentionally disappoints you. Either way, you must adjust to new realizations that your goals are not attainable.
The Three of Swords yes or no depends on your question. A query about whether someone is honest brings a no response. Questioning if someone is unfaithful brings a yes. What you fear comes to pass, and you must heal and move on.
Upright Love & Relationships
The Three of Swords in love can be alarming in a romance reading. Your relationship may end, or you may learn troubling news about your partner. You question someone’s loyalty.
A partner cheats and lies to you or betrays you. You may be disappointed with a relationship when the Three of Swords appears. Prepare for a challenging reality check.
But the Three of Swords advice is not always to end a relationship. You may learn about betrayal related to a deeper issue. A partner may relapse in secret after sobriety, for example.
The Three of Swords can point to many forms of betrayal, not just infidelity. Your partner spends the emergency fund frivolously without discussing it with you. No matter the details, you end up feeling hurt and betrayed.
Yet the Three of Swords can be a solvable issue and does not always warrant the end of a connection. What matters most is how you work through the crisis the Three of Swords represents.
The Three of Swords as how someone feels about you can bring disappointing news. A love interest doesn’t reciprocate your feelings. Someone close to you feels disappointed because you didn’t follow their expectations.
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Upright Money & Career
You may assume the Three of Swords indicates a partner is cheating, but sometimes the feeling of disloyalty applies to career and money, not love. The Three of Swords can mean a partner has betrayed you for their career.
Someone in your workplace may cheat or betray you. Your colleagues deceive you, or you are heartbroken because of a loss related to your career. You may be in line for a promotion given to someone else.
Your romantic partner may seem unfaithful because they spend your money deceptively. Sometimes the third party represented by the Three of Swords is ambition, greed, or compulsive spending.
Unexpected expenses disrupt your financial plans. You may need to buy a new appliance or repair your car. Debt, financial stress, or an upsetting change challenges your financial goals.
Upright Health
The Three of Swords in a health reading denotes stress and anxiety. Sometimes this card appearing in a health reading warns of heart disease. Mounting stress or shocking news strains your heart.
Your mental health is in turmoil, and your reactions to a shocking situation take a toll on your health. You receive challenging news about your health or a love’s health.
A sudden accident or injury forces you to change your routines. Revise your expectations as you need time to recover and get back on your feet.
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Upright Spirituality
The Three of Swords in a spirituality reading harkens disillusionment. You see through a cult leader and realize your beliefs and expectations of a spiritual group are unrealistic.
You are heartbroken to learn a trusted mentor or guru has deceived you. Heartache and disappointment may also bring humility. You may seek spiritual relief amidst a crisis.
Your spiritual path can be a salve during a painful time or a source of disappointment and anxiety. Trust your intuition, as you may receive early warning signs of a dysfunctional spiritual group or path.
Reversed General Meaning
The Three of Swords reversed lessens the impact of a betrayal or indicates denial. You refuse to see red flags. Avoid deceiving yourself. You may have clues that challenges await and can still act to avert a crisis.
The reversed Three of Swords guides you to keep jealousy and paranoia in check. You may have baseless fears, and acting on suspicions can damage a relationship.
The Three of Swords reversed yes or no question implies you are freed from fear and anxiety because you face the truth. Queries about whether a partner is cheating are no. Questions about whether a relationship needs work are answered yes.
You are hurt and confused by a change in plans, but you can’t put your finger on the underlying cause of your anxieties. When the Three of Swords appears reversed, a change in perspective brings relief. Matters aren’t as bad as you fear.
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Reversed Love & Relationships
The Three of Swords reversed in love means you have unfounded suspicions or are jumping to conclusions. You have problems in your relationship, but the issue is not what you think.
Your partner may not be cheating, but assumptions damage your connection. Your love life needs healing when the Three of Swords appears reversed.
You may have unhealed wounds from a previous relationship that you are projecting onto a current partner. Your heartbreak and anxiety are off-target. Avoid jealousy and suspicion, and deal with the underlying issues in your relationship.
Reversed Money & Career
The Three of Swords reversed in career indicates a looming disappointment. You can avoid a crisis at work if you focus on details and change your strategies.
You can avoid conflicts. Improve your communication with peers and colleagues, and you can succeed in a challenging project. Your work life is stressful but could be worse.
You stave off the worst-case scenario. Rather than losing a job, you may be furloughed or deal with a toxic work environment. Your work falls short of your expectations.
Your finances are disrupted when the Three of Swords appears reversed. Yet things are not as bad as they could be. You receive an early warning and must avoid further damage.
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Reversed Health
Your health challenges are resolved after a brief disruption, or you receive a warning but can avoid a crisis when the Three of Swords appears reversed in a health reading. Symptoms bring anxiety, but you receive a clean bill of health.
You fear an illness but are in better shape than you realize. Anxiety or fear of illness or accidents is more likely than serious health issues.
The Three of Swords reversed indicates stress and worry that turns out unfounded. You may have some disruption or discomfort but resume your health and wellness.
Reversed Spirituality
The Three of Swords reversed in a spirituality reading indicates suspicions and anxiety that is not diminished by spiritual platitudes. Your spiritual community or practices aren’t sufficient to soothe your soul.
Delve deeper to cultivate authentic spiritual connection. A crisis is a wake-up call that motivates you to strengthen your spirituality.
Spiritual practices can be an antidote to anxiety when the Three of Swords appears reversed. You can improve your connection to a higher purpose and overcome stress and fears through your spiritual path.
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