The Five of Wands tarot card meaning relates to conflict and discord. Disputes and competition plague friendships.
A group can’t decide on strategies and wastes time fighting. The Five of Wands indicates tension.
Rather than working together as a team, a group descends into disagreements and quarrels. The Five of Wands appears to indicate conflict and disruption.
You can’t stifle your resentments anymore and speak up about frustration. But others respond defensively. A disagreement is not productive, and communication issues abound.
The Five of Wands appears when a group argues over a topic. No one is listening to each other, and a new approach is needed to break through the chaos.
Upright | Competition, Discord, Disruption |
Reversed | Power Struggles, Domination, Authority |
Yes or No | Maybe |
Arcana | Minor Arcana |
Element | Fire |
Zodiac Sign | Aries |
Angel Number | 5 |
Stone | Garnet |
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Common Symbolism
The Five of Wands symbolism depicts a group of five figures holding a wand. They engage in a conflict, battling each other with the wands.
The figures fight on level ground, and there is no indication of hierarchy. Although they could compromise, they instead battle for control.
The symbolism of the Five of Wands indicates conflict over control and domination. The symbolism of this card sometimes shows five wands in cross patterns, suggesting blockages and conflict.
The Five of Wands symbolism always depicts tension and discord. Even minimalistic patterns indicate cross-purposes and challenges. Sometimes the wands are torches instead of wooden staves.
Other depictions show figures battling in a forest rather than on barren land. The imagery symbolizes ambush and unexpected attacks.
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Upright General Meaning
The Five of Wands meaning involves lessons in teamwork. You face tension and competition among peers and must work to align your plans and strategies.
The Five of Wands tarot guides you to find common ground with people who seem to be your adversaries. Your friends, family, or colleagues are in turmoil, but you can be a unifying guide.
Amidst chaos and turmoil, you won’t succeed unless you convince a group to work together. Everyone is looking out for themselves, and this inhibits progress.
The Five of Wands brings a challenge that you must work through. You can’t avoid a contentious encounter with friends, family, or colleagues. The Five of Wands advice is to encourage teamwork and cooperation.
The Five of Wands yes or no is unclear. Your question leads to a stalemate because you don’t have the support and cooperation you need. Yet you can still move forward if you adjust your expectations.
The Four of Wands followed by the Five of Wands indicates a rude awakening. A celebration or victory gives way to chaos and conflict. Yet you have enough common ground to resolve disputes.
The Five of Wands followed by the Six of Wands indicates a period of turmoil giving way to resolution and advancement. When an optimistic card like the Six of Wands or the Sun follows, turmoil helps you improve.
Upright Love & Relationships
The Five of Wands in love indicates turmoil and tension in a relationship. The conflict is not between partners but influenced by family or friends.
Your family or peer group doesn’t support your choice of romantic partners and may argue with you over your relationship status or interests. You feel like others are competing with you for romantic attention.
The Five of Wands can also indicate fighting within a family. A competitive, toxic environment makes your home or family life challenging when the Five of Wands appears.
Communication issues abound, and you must slow down and seek commonality with others. Your relationships are a source of conflict, and you must work to resolve misunderstandings.
The Five of Wands as feelings can indicate turmoil and anxiety. You have many mixed feelings that eat you up inside. The Five of Wands as a person can be someone indecisive and conflicted.
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Upright Money & Career
The Five of Wands appears in a reading on careers when you face a toxic and chaotic work environment. The Five of Wands advice is to avoid drama and try to motivate others to focus on a shared goal.
Your career can’t progress unless you deal with the root problem and avoid being distracted by petty fights. Being defensive about your work and ideas leads you into a runaround that goes nowhere.
Arguments over money distract from your connection to others when the Five of Wands appears. You miss opportunities to grow and advance professionally because of defensiveness and infighting.
Upright Health
The Five of Wands in a health reading indicates stress-related illnesses. You receive mixed messages about your healthcare and wellness routines; a chaotic situation contributes to ailments.
Long-term exposure to toxic people and arguments affects your mental health, blood pressure, and energy level. You feel drained trying to keep the peace or avoid arguments.
The Five of Wands warns you to step away from turmoil so you can tend to your physical needs. Your health is in jeopardy because of fighting, competition, and lack of support.
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Upright Spirituality
The Five of Wands in a spirituality reading portends your need for relief and retreat away from chaos. You find a tumultuous setting is too overwhelming and interrupts your spiritual connection.
The best way to build a spiritual connection is to align with nature and experience peace and serenity. Leave a power struggle behind so you can preserve your inner peace.
The Five of Wands challenges you to reconsider your priorities. The rat race or the chaos of a competitive lifestyle hinders your joy and happiness. Recharge your batteries by surrounding yourself with supportive people.
Reversed General Meaning
The Five of Wands reversed remains an omen of tension and conflict. The degree of hardship and impact on your path amplifies when this card is reversed. You ignore opportunities for relief.
The Five of Wands reversed suggests you become more embroiled in a debate. You are arguing for the last word, and no one is striving for a resolution. Avoid feuding needlessly.
You risk prolonging a conflict to try to have the upper hand. Dominating a group or insisting on having your way leads you to dead ends. The Five of Wands reversed indicates wasted energy and inability to cooperate.
Your best option is to distance yourself from a toxic group. A conflict escalates, and diffusing the chaos is unlikely; step away to gain perspective.
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Reversed Love & Relationships
The Five of Wands reversed in love indicates you are losing focus and unduly influenced by chaos and tension around you. A family feud or toxic home environment undermines your relationship.
You spend too much time trying to influence others and may fight for control of a group of friends or family. You can’t win because no one is listening to each other. De-escalate a group before trying to solve a problem.
Your romantic relationship suffers because of stress from work. An unresolved conflict stretches on, snowballing out of control; you can’t easily find relief from the negativity.
Time apart from friends, family, or a loved one brings some resolution. You can de-escalate a situation by disconnecting temporarily and allowing others to blow off steam.
Reversed Money & Career
The Five of Wands reversed in career and money readings indicates turmoil in your workplace. A conflict isn’t resolved easily, and your workplace may be tenuous for months.
Competition and insecurities lead your team and colleagues to work against each other rather than cooperate. You miss opportunities because of distractions. A career opportunity proves stressful, and you don’t have the influence you expected.
The Five of Wands reversed in a career can indicate the time for you to move on to a new workplace. You can’t progress because of sabotage and disruption from your peers.
Your efforts prove futile when this card appears reversed. You can’t talk others into collaborating and are better off moving on and seeking a better opportunity elsewhere.
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Reversed Health
The Five of Wands reversed in health indicates that noise and distractions interfere with your healthcare. A toxic environment and ongoing struggle with others drain your energy.
You become ill or suffer injuries or poor health because of pressure from your environment. You can’t heal and recover in your surroundings. A retreat or move is necessary so you can restore your health.
You don’t have the energy to deal with a conflict or disruption and may be passive around others at odds. Seek more supportive environments. Your social circle is insufficient for your needs.
Anxiety and stress over a prolonged conflict or negative work environment lead to somatic symptoms. A change in your health is a warning to get away from toxic people.
Reversed Spirituality
The Five of Wands reversed in spirituality indicates an extended period of chaos and distraction that undermines your spiritual quest. Your connection to a spiritual source is interrupted by constant arguments and negativity.
You miss the point of your spiritual path and become dogmatic and demanding of others. The Five of Wands reversed reminds you to choose your surroundings carefully.
Your home or work environment is too tense and negative for you to thrive. You have difficult choices to make. The only way to advance is to leave behind a familiar yet toxic atmosphere.
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