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Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning (Invitation & Disillusionment)

Updated March 2, 2025

The Page of Cups tarot card has complex meanings. Like all tarot courts, it represents a situation, person, or both.

When the Page of Cups appears, prepare for an announcement regarding home, family, and love. The Page indicates new opportunities.

The Page of Cups is associated with children or the youngest in the family. The Page acts in service of emotional well-being.

When the Page of Cups appears in a tarot reading, messages of love and support abound. You may receive an invitation to a party.

An announcement related to love and family is underway. You may learn of a pregnancy, or a love interest tells you they love you. A proposal or invitation is likely.

Page of Cups Tarot Card
UprightBirth, Invitation, Helper
ReversedConfusion, Disillusionment, Delays
Yes or NoYes
ArcanaMinor Arcana
Zodiac SignCancer
Angel Number11

Common Symbolism

The Page of Cups symbolism has evolved over the years. Traditionally, the Page is a child or young woman dressed in the garb of a medieval page from which the card’s name originates.

The Page of Cups stands on the land in the foreground before a rocky seascape. She holds a chalice in her hand from which a fish emerges. Her tunic features lilies or lotuses, symbolizing the sea, creativity, and Divine Feminine energy.

The Page of Cups often holds their chalice out in offering. Her gesture shows a willingness to serve others. Other variations on this card portray the Page as a teen. The suit of Cups relates to water, and mermaids sometimes symbolize the Page of Cups.

In some decks, the Page of Cups drinks from the chalice. On other decks, she stands amidst the waves or swims underwater. The symbolism of the Page of Cups is that she is the messenger of the water element.

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Upright General Meaning

The Page of Cups tarot upright indicates someone will come forward with a message that touches your heart and fills you with hope. An expression of love and admiration is coming.

Pay attention to young people, especially young women, who have new perspectives that can help you. You may receive an invitation or announcement you’ve awaited.

You learn someone loves you or you meet a new friend or prospective partner. A relationship is developing into something more serious. The Page indicates a young person and a new relationship, but it may not mean a relationship with a child.

The Page of Cups as a person is youthful though they may be an adult of any age. A relationship with someone younger than you but still an adult can be indicated by the Page of Cups.

The Page of Cups yes or no indicates a favorable outcome. Your dreams come true, and your desires are likely. The Page of Cup’s advice is to accept an invitation. Say yes to others and take new opportunities.

The Page of Cups as feelings indicate happiness, joy, contentment, and love. Your mood gets a boost from the Page of Cups tarot card.

Upright Love & Relationships

The Page of Cups in love brings good news and happiness. The Page of Cups announces your love interest’s intentions are good. Your love interest opens their heart to you and shares their feelings.

The Page of Cups often indicates a new opportunity in love, such as a milestone early in a commitment. You plan to move in with a partner, or you are invited to their family’s holiday dinner.

The Page of Cups can indicate a wedding proposal or marriage plans but does not indicate the wedding event. For instance, when the Page of Cups is followed by the Queen or King of Cups and the Ten of Cups, someone you love proposes, and a marriage awaits in the future.

You may learn good news about a family member, such as a younger sibling’s graduation or marriage proposal. You may also plan to adopt a child or bring a companion animal into your home.

The Ace of Cups followed by the Page of Cups indicates a relationship proceeds quickly from attraction to love. The Page of Cups combination with the Knight of Cups means a change brings love and happiness.

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Upright Money & Career

The suit of cups corresponds to relationships and emotions, yet it can appear in reading on money and career. The Page of Cups in your career can indicate you are a new rising star in your profession or you are new to a job and making connections.

Your network is in focus when the cup cards appear in a career reading. You are open and influential, and someone in your profession nurtures your growth.

The Page of Cups as a colleague could indicate an intern or new team member. The Page of Cups brings good news about an opportunity to develop your career.

Your financial life gets a boost as you may receive a special gift. A valuable connection leads to improved finances in the future; someone gives you a morale boost and your financial prospects improve because of someone’s assistance.

Upright Health

The Page of Cups in a health reading gives you a reason to be happy. You are relieved to get good news from your doctor. You may expect a baby, or a test comes back with good news.

If you are undergoing testing or screening for an illness, the Page of Cups indicates you are healthy and have nothing to fear. You may feel more energized, and your emotional health is stable.

If you’re trying to improve your health and reach new goals such as weight management or abstinence from drugs; the Page of Cups marks an early milestone or celebration. You receive positive feedback about your well-being.

Are you at a crossroads? A psychic reading can help guide you.

Upright Spirituality

The Page of Cups in spirituality indicates early breakthroughs in your quest for spiritual connection. Your intuition is growing, and you have greater power and awareness of your psychic talents.

You meet someone new who shares your interests in spiritual pursuits. You can develop your interests in the esoteric with the help of a friend or partner. You may become a novice student in a spiritual group.

Your spiritual path is enhanced by the new teachings you embrace. You may learn about an esoteric study from a young person or novice in a spiritual community. Your psychic awareness helps you connect with like-minded people.

Reversed General Meaning

The Page of Cups tarot reversed suggests you’re missing a vital message. Communication is off in your relationship or partnership. You may risk missing a text message or misinterpreting your loved one.

You may be disappointed by the news that was supposed to be uplifting. Your love interest brings upsetting news, or you receive a message that brings you down.

A happy opportunity can still await in the future, but your fulfillment is delayed, or you go through detours to improve your communication. You may misinterpret your love interest’s intentions and feel drained.

You may feel others are taking advantage of you or manipulating you when the Page of Cups tarot card is reversed. You must work to correct a misunderstanding and heal a relationship now.

Are you at a crossroads? A live tarot reading can help guide you.

Reversed Love & Relationships

Your love life faces minor challenges when the Page of Cups appears reversed. Pay attention to red flags now as you are en route to solving conflicts before they escalate into crises.

Take the time to ensure you and your partner are aligned. You may face misunderstandings and must deal with hurt feelings when the Page of Cups appears reversed. Don’t brush conflicts under the rug.

The reversed Page of Cups tarot guides you to heal a relationship. You can bring compassion and understanding, but it takes effort to set the record straight.

Reversed Money & Career

You don’t have the support you need yet, but with effort, you can find others who nurture your career growth. When the Page of Cups tarot card is reversed in a career reading, you need to work harder to pitch your ideas and get others to buy into your dreams.

The Page of Cups reversed indicates someone may be spreading rumors about you, or a message or announcement works against your goals in your career. You find clarity and happiness only after you’ve worked through a dilemma with colleagues.

You may have difficulty breaking through in your profession. You don’t feel like your workplace culture is a fit when the Page of Cups appears reversed. Your dreams are on hold, and you must reconsider your path to success.

You don’t feel supported by your colleagues. Take stock of whether your workplace is nurturing your goals or draining you. Seek people who appreciate and support your professional goals.

Your financial situation brings disappointment, but you must heed red flags and reconsider how you’re investing in family members, friends, and loved ones. You may be hemorrhaging money because of attempts to help too many people.

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Reversed Health

The Page of Cups tarot card reversed in a health reading suggests an early warning sign you must deal with. Don’t ignore feedback from a health provider. You can recover from a health issue now as long as you don’t ignore the advice in the early stages.

You may receive news that disappoints you like early indicators of an illness or disease. You may also miss out on a celebration or party because of an accident or injury.

Yet when the Page of Cups tarot card is reversed you can recover from an ailment or injury if you take matters to heart. You may feel alienated or disconnected from others but can resume your typical activities after a brief respite.

Reversed Spirituality

The Page of Cups reversed in a spirituality reading means you are drained. You lack spiritual connection and need to rest and recharge.

You may be following deceptive people who masquerade as spiritual gurus. Be careful to evaluate your spiritual teachers. A new spiritual path offers fulfillment, but you must evaluate your new quest on a deeper level.

Avoid being swayed by the trappings of a spiritual journey and delve deeper into your emotional connection to your spiritual source. Working through wounds and traumas opens your mind to spiritual growth now.

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