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Page of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Curiosity & Indecision)

Updated February 1, 2025

The Page of Swords tarot card can be a person or situation. Like all court cards, the Page of Swords meaning is complicated.

The Page of Swords as a person is youthful. A child or an intelligent and enthusiastic young person influences you.

The Page of Swords is feisty and passionate. When this card appears, your wit and intellect are prominent. Someone encourages your ideas.

Brainstorm and be creative when the Page of Swords appears in a reading. You can focus and break through stagnation because of new insights.

The Page of Swords can represent a child or person with boundless energy and a youthful perspective. An assistant, child, or intern brings insight and new ideas.

Page of Swords Tarot Card
UprightCuriosity, Messages, Creativity
ReversedImpulsivity, Carelessness, Indecision
Yes or NoYes
ArcanaMinor Arcana
Zodiac SignLibra
Angel Number11

Common Symbolism

The Page of Swords is often portrayed as a young boy, or sometimes a girl. The Page stands with a sword in hand, balancing with their weight on one foot as if ready to change stance.

They hold the sword upright and may be in a defensive mode. Their hair flies in the breeze, and clouds and skyscape in the distance relate to the card’s element of air.

The Page of Swords symbolism corresponds to ideas, motion, swiftness, and impulses. Often, the Page stands alone on an open landscape with no one to interfere or block their way.

Symbols of freedom, energy, and movement are depicted in the Page of Swords cards. In some decks, the Page is called the Prince or Princess, denoting their status as aristocracy, youth, and lack of experience.

Some variations on the tarot portray the Page of Swords as carefree rather than defensive. The figure is playful and passionate. The Page sometimes holds a large sword, suggesting they are growing to fit their role.

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Upright General Meaning

The Page of Swords appears in a reading when new insights abound. You receive a message that lifts your spirits and inspires hope and new ideas.

A young person, child, or enthusiastic adult helps you express your ideas. You have faith in new possibilities and feel energized and passionate when this card appears in a reading.

The Page of Swords cuts distractions and clears your mind so you can pursue your dreams. You believe anything is possible when this card appears.

You may have a childlike perspective, and the Page of Swords reminds you what it was like to be young and believe in your dreams. Your imagination holds the key to solving problems.

The Page of Swords yes or no indicates your dreams are possible. The answer to your question is yes, as long as you don’t limit yourself or ignore your creativity.

Upright Love & Relationships

The Page of Swords in love and romance portends a new attraction. You become curious about a new love interest. A flirty conversation fuels your infatuation with someone new.

The Page of Swords can indicate you are attracted to someone younger than you. Although the Pages are often associated with children, in love readings, the Page represents a love interest who acts youthful or is a young adult.

In addition to representing a young person, the Page of Swords connotes the stage of a relationship’s development. A new attraction or flirtation with the potential to grow into something more is associated with the Page of Swords.

A fascinating person sweeps you off your feet with their enticing stories. You become enamored with an adventurous, creative, witty person. A partner inspires your creativity when the Page of Swords appears.

With the Page of Swords, action follows ideas quickly. An impetuous person encourages you to pursue your dreams. You take risks and express yourself.

The Page of Swords as feelings represents excitement and enthusiasm. Love and emotional connection correspond to the cups suit, not swords; yet the Page of Swords indicates fascination in a relationship.

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Upright Money & Career

The Page of Swords in career and money readings indicates new opportunities. You are enthusiastic and excited about a change in your job or career path.

The Page of Swords can represent an intern or novice employee. The Page brings new ideas and creativity to your workplace. A new perspective inspires you when the Page of Swords appears in a reading.

Think fast when the Page of Swords appears in a tarot reading on career and money. Be assertive and stand up for your ideas. You may have to defend your vision and perspective at work.

Yet your charm and inspiring gifts help win people over to your point of view. The Page of Swords helps exert influence in your career. You may be a novice, but you can inspire those with seniority because of your new ideas.

Money matters may suffer when the Page of Swords appears. Impulsivity impairs your judgment, and you may make risky investments. Avoid being careless with finances.

Upright Health

The Page of Swords in health readings indicates energy, vitality, and focus. You are alert, and your mind is clear and focused. Your intellect is sharp, and you may be ready to act on your ideas.

The Page of Swords brings stamina and strength. Yet you may be impulsive and careless actions can make you accident-prone. Your health improves, or you learn new ways to facilitate healing.

Recovery and growth are assured. New information or a fresh perspective helps you heal from an illness or injury. Your attitude improves, and you are hopeful about your health and prognosis when the Page of Swords appears.

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Upright Spirituality

The Page of Swords meaning in spirituality is faith. The Page of Swords has the faith of a child who believes in dreams and miracles.

When the Page of Swords appears in a spirituality reading, you are reminded to look at the world through a child’s eyes. Be open-minded and see the wonder in the world around you.

Your intuition is heightened, and you may be open to spirit communication and mediumship. Learn discernment, and with experience, you can fine-tune your psychic talents.

Reversed General Meaning

The Page of Swords reversed brings intense and reckless energy. Imbalance and immature personality traits are in the spotlight. Rather than being creative, you are careless and take pointless risks.

Inexperience and immaturity work against you when the Page of Swords is reversed. Your ego or insistence on having your way blocks you from receiving feedback from others.

You may be careless and take a haphazard approach to your goals. Excitement quickly leads to burnout, and you don’t follow through with your plans and ideas.

The Page of Swords reversed indicates stagnation and confusion. You may be uncharacteristically indecisive. You lose focus and feel lost when the Page of Swords appears reversed.

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Reversed Love & Relationships

The Page of Swords reversed in love indicates miscommunications and conflicts that stem from impulsivity. Avoid blurting out the first thing that comes to your mind.

The Page of Swords appears reversed when you clash with a partner or love interest. Passionate discussion turns to fierce debate. Dogmatic opinions undermine your connection.

You may lose faith in a partner or suddenly become defensive in a relationship. A partner disappoints you by not living up to your visions and ideals.

The Page of Swords reversed indicates a falling out with someone close to you. A romantic relationship is undermined by conflict over childcare or boundaries with a child.

Conflicting parenting styles or indecision on household rules brings tension to a family relationship. You don’t see eye to eye with a partner over education or children.

The Page of Swords reversed yes or no indicates stagnation. You may get what you want after delays. Obstacles stand in the way of success. Use your wit and creativity to move forward.

Reversed Money & Career

The Page of Swords reversed in a career and money reading indicates carelessness and stagnation in your professional life. Gatekeeping prevents you from opportunities you need to advance.

You face obstacles related to communication or must further your education before you can advance professionally. Misunderstandings or arguments plague your career path.

New or younger colleagues bring disruptive ideas that make you feel insecure about your professional status. Older colleagues don’t take you seriously because of your age or experience.

Work harder to assert your ideas. The Page of Swords reversed guides you to make your point clearly but avoid aggression and anger.

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Reversed Health

The Page of Swords reversed in health indicates carelessness that undermines your health and strength. Anxiety and obsessions take a toll on your mental health.

You lose perspective and give in to impulsivity and carelessness when the Page of Swords appears reversed in a reading. You may suffer from mania or lack of sleep.

The Page of Swords reversed can also indicate learning disabilities or impaired judgment because of fatigue or anxiety. Work to correct misunderstandings so your health can improve.

Reversed Spirituality

The Page of Swords reversed in spirituality represents a loss of faith. You break through illusions and contemplate giving up on spirituality. Your rational mind and ego take precedence.

Put effort into gaining spiritual perspective. Your wishes and fantasies are unfounded, but you can still nurture a spiritual path.

The Page of Swords reversed in spirituality can indicate unresolved anger and resentment. Adjust your attitude and expectations. You benefit from gratitude, optimism, and hope.

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