The Queen of Swords tarot card meaning relates to a person, situation, or personality characteristics. The Queen of Swords corresponds to the air element.
When the Queen of Swords appears in a reading, your wit and intellect help you solve problems. Sharpen your mind and be on alert for new insights.
The Queen of Swords has a bad reputation. She is sometimes associated with bad news, loss, or mourning. Yet she is also an omen of power and assertiveness.
When the Queen of Swords appears, you fine-tune your intellectual skills. The Queen of Swords as a person is a wise and courageous woman who seeks truth and justice.
The Queen of Swords brings out your intelligence and powers of discretion and judgment. You may have harsh news to share with others but being honest is more important than being comfortable.
Upright | Discretion, Boundaries, Cleverness |
Reversed | Bitterness, Revenge, Conniving |
Yes or No | Maybe |
Arcana | Minor Arcana |
Element | Air |
Zodiac Sign | Libra |
Angel Number | 13 |
Stone | Tourmaline |
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Common Symbolism
The Queen of Swords symbolism relates to defensiveness, boundaries, and protection. A regal woman sits on a throne facing sideways. The profile view symbolizes a defensive stance.
She holds a sword raised to the sky, her other hand outstretched. Her throne features a cherub, and a vast skyscape is visible behind her. The symbolism of the sky and cherub relates to the air element.
Her crown is a ring of butterflies suggesting transformation, beauty, and flight. She often wears a bracelet of beads on one wrist, which some associate with meditation practice.
Some versions of the Queen of Swords include symbols of travel, worldliness, literacy, and intelligence. The Queen of Swords is associated with mental power and creativity. Sometimes she is surrounded by birds or other creatures corresponding to air.
Other symbols associated with the Queen of Swords include feathers, pens, wings, and flying insects. Her symbolism reminds you to be flexible and resourceful.
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Upright General Meaning
The Queen of Swords portends situations that require wit and intellect. Your cleverness and discernment help you navigate a challenge. When this card appears, you have enough experience to understand life is not always fair.
Yet the Queen of Swords does what she can to ensure justice prevails. The Queen of Swords requires you to take control of a difficult situation. You can succeed because you outsmart others.
Success requires keen observation and focus. Nothing gets past you, and others can’t deceive you. Others may not like your assertiveness because you are no longer easy to control and manipulate.
Follow your instincts and stick to your boundaries. Your objective is to have integrity, not to take an easy way out. Your hard work and effort will pay off, and you protect others.
The Queen of Swords doesn’t compromise. You have a clear goal and shouldn’t waver from it. The Queen of Swords gives you the courage to stick with your plans in the face of adversity.
The Queen of Swords archetype is the wise mentor. She encourages you to build strategies and helps you plan for success. The Queen of Sword’s tarot advice is to be tenacious and intentional.
The Queen of Swords’ zodiac sign is Libra and like those born under this sign, she looks for balance and justice. You may advocate for others when this card appears.
Upright Love & Relationships
The Queen of Swords in love brings a complicated message. You must strengthen the boundaries in a relationship. Tough love and brutal honesty save your relationship; don’t avoid conflict.
Take time away from a partner or loved one. You need to clear your mind and re-evaluate your priorities in a relationship. You may have troubling news to share with a loved one or learn an upsetting secret about your partner.
Be vigilant but avoid paranoia when the Queen of Swords appears in a love reading. If single, the Queen of Swords encourages you to spend time alone working on yourself.
The Queen of Swords in a relationship reading can indicate a breakup if combined with the Death, Tower, or Ten of Swords cards. You come to a new understanding of your relationship, a breakthrough brings heartbreak or disillusionment.
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Upright Money & Career
The Queen of Swords in a career or money reading indicates you are sharpening your focus and further developing your career skills. You channel your energy and drive so you can succeed.
You have a position of responsibility and power, and it is up to you to use your resources to help protect others. The Queen of Swords relates to counseling, law, advocacy, and research.
Your work involves analytical skills. You follow the rules and policies by the book and can be inflexible in work when the Queen of Swords appears. You follow your integrity and focus on matters of justice and fairness at work.
You may receive harsh feedback from a boss or supervisor. Be open to criticism, as this person is trying to help you improve your skills.
The Queen of Swords in money matters indicates you need to crack down on impulsive spending. Set firm boundaries with family and friends, spending on others or bailing others out of crises takes a toll on your financial stability.
Upright Health
The Queen of Swords in health indicates a wise advisor who shares news you don’t want to hear. You learn about a challenging prognosis or diagnosis. Be honest with yourself and explore new ways to manage your health.
Dig deeper to get to the source of a health problem. You may need surgery or invasive treatment to bring relief. Your health is impaired because of stress and anxiety. Tension and trauma from the past take a toll on your well-being.
The Queen of Swords appears when you need to advocate for your health. You may feel ignored by medical professionals and need to speak up for yourself. Stick with a plan and continue to make your voice heard.
When the Queen of Swords appears in a reading you must stay focused on your health. Don’t ignore red flags, and be persistent if you don’t get the help you seek.
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Upright Spirituality
The Queen of Swords tarot card brings focus and direction to your spiritual quest. A loss or hardship opens your mind to your spirituality. You seek guidance and are open to learning the truth.
A spiritual guru reveals harsh truths that shatter your fantasies and illusions. You are stronger knowing the truth and become motivated to pursue wisdom and self-improvement.
The Queen of Swords helps you discern fantasy from intuition. Your instincts are on point when this card appears in a reading on spirituality. You may channel higher wisdom.
Reversed General Meaning
The Queen of Swords reversed brings the worst personality traits associated with this archetype. Rather than being judicious, you are prone to acting petty and vengeful.
You become obsessed and inflexible when the Queen of Swords is reversed. You may suffer a loss that makes you bitter and resentful. Rather than justice and fairness, you are motivated by anger.
The Queen of Swords appears reversed to signal distortions in your thinking. You aren’t being fair, and your impractical or extreme beliefs undermine your chances of success.
The Queen of Swords reversed, followed by the Knight of Swords indicates a change of perspective is needed to move forward. You may feel stifled in your career because you are closed off from seeing your options.
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Reversed Love & Relationships
The Queen of Swords reversed in love brings chaos to your relationships. You hold on to resentments rather than working through problems. Your relationship is a source of frustration, yet you don’t want to let go.
Your love life needs attention when the Queen of Swords is reversed, but you may be in denial about your relationships. You miss opportunities to attract new love or may be bitter and angry from past heartbreak.
The Queen of Swords reversed in love suggests unresolved wounds and traumas that undermine your current relationship. For the reversed Queen of Swords, dates, and romance seem frivolous and silly.
You may settle for an unhappy relationship or become cynical in matters of love. You can be stubborn in love but aren’t solving problems when the Queen of Swords appears reversed.
Reversed Money & Career
The Queen of Swords reversed career indicates self-sabotage. You are closed-minded and doubt your power and abilities. You feel stifled and blocked from advancing in your career.
Your work is unfulfilling, and you may feel bitter because you did not get a job or passed up for a promotion. You are not aligned with your career goals and may be going through the motions rather than using your intellect.
The Queen of Swords reversed indicates burnout and frustration with your work. You may clash with a supervisor or boss who is harsh and demanding. You aren’t motivated to pursue your career goals and may feel your work is stagnant.
The Queen of Swords reversed in money indicates wastefulness and bad judgment. Your finances suffer because of hasty choices or bad investments.
The King of Swords combined with the Queen of Swords reversed can indicate turnover. A critical and harsh supervisor is replaced by someone who offers guidance and insight.
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Reversed Health
The Queen of Swords reversed in health brings news of a health scare. A close call motivates you to take better care of yourself. You make wellness a priority and find focus and motivation.
If you were ignoring red flags in health, the Queen of Swords reversed leads you to pay attention to symptoms and seek root causes. You avoid surgery or intensive interventions.
Asserting your needs helps you overcome a health issue. You can be complacent about your health but a new perspective helps you recover from a minor injury or illness.
Reversed Spirituality
The Queen of Swords reversed in spirituality can indicate jealousy or resentment blocking your spiritual path. Your ego takes control and you focus on petty matters.
Change your focus when the Queen of Swords is reversed in spirituality. Perfectionism and high standards get in the way of higher wisdom and awareness.
You are wandering off course and ignoring signs and symbols. Your spiritual path can be a source of healing and wisdom, but you are not open to new guidance when the Queen of Swords is reversed.
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