Tarot Ash

Suit of Pentacles • Physical (Earth)

Updated March 26, 2025

The suit of pentacles in the tarot corresponds to the earth element. The pentacles suit relates to money, career, resources, and health.

When the suit of pentacles appears, expect work and tangible resources to factor prominently. Your valuables and health are in focus.

The suit of pentacles appears when you are ready to manifest the abundance of your efforts. Money and financial matters prevail, and your career or health is in the spotlight.

The connection to the earth element is symbolic of the earth being a source of abundance and harvesting the fruits of your career and work. Pentacles speak to your career and financial status.

The suit of pentacles zodiac signs is the earth signs. The meaning of suits in tarot corresponds to specific issues in the spotlight. Pentacles relate to stability.

Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Wealth & Indiscretion)

The Ace of Pentacles is the quintessential embodiment of the earth element. Aces represent an early phase of the manifestation process. They can indicate timing, beginnings, and initiation.

When the Ace of Pentacles appears in a tarot reading, money is coming your way. You can manifest your material needs with ease. You head for success.

The Ace of Pentacles’ timing relates to the beginning of the fall season. You are likely to gain wealth and stability during this time of year. New opportunities come your way in the autumn.

You may feel like an opportunity for wealth, and success comes out of the blue. Take advantage of a lead and follow your instincts when the Ace of Pentacles appears.

The suit of pentacles tarot card location can indicate whether you have stability and abundance in the present or future. Pentacles cards like the Ace of Pentacles indicate the presence of a new work opportunity.

The tarot suit of pentacles is a keen indicator of abundance and wealth. You are managing or manifesting wealth when a reading contains the Ace of Pentacles and other cards in this suit.

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Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Juggling Finances & Imbalance)

The number two indicates balance, harmony, and support. You may do the best you can to balance your finances, but you need the help of a partner to break even.

You are living paycheck to paycheck. Although you make ends meet, you can’t save money, and your finances are rocky. You are new to a career path and still learning the ropes.

The Two of Pentacles indicates a balance between work and pleasure. You have what you need, but don’t yet have abundant resources.

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Specialization & Redundancy)

The Three of Pentacles suggests expansion, growth, and group collaborations. You realize your prospects improve when others contribute to your success. You welcome investors and collaborators.

Work as a team to accomplish your career goals. Your success comes because of specialized skills. Seek certifications and accolades that help you expand your career prospects.

Your finances improve, and you can enjoy stability and security. The Three of Pentacles appears when you have a stronger financial foundation.

You may join a guild or business networking group. Professional clubs and associations help your career prospects when the Three of Pentacles appears in a tarot reading.

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Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Complacency & Acceptance)

The Four of Pentacles appears when you attempt to set a secure foundation. You may be trying too hard to create stability. Avoid hoarding and focusing too much on the money.

You feel insecure about your finances and try to hold on tightly to what you have. The Four of Pentacles relates to security at home and with family. You don’t easily relax even though you have enough to be comfortable.

You have tight margins in your budget and obsess over your finances. You may find a niche in your career but fear replacement and redundancy. The Four of Pentacles indicates financial and career anxiety.

Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Suffering & Protection)

The Five of Pentacles portends strife and conflicts related to your career, health, and assets. A disruptive crisis challenges your stability and security.

You take a financial hit, or an illness or injury keeps you from advancing in your career. Your health relates to your finances, and a health setback leads to a financial loss.

A partner or family member squanders your finances. Bailing a loved one out of a challenging situation can leave you financially drained. You must set aside your career ambitions and tend to an illness or family emergency.

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Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Restoration & Debt)

The Six of Pentacles brings balance and resolution. The number six indicates harmony, solutions, and balance. The Six of Pentacles solves the problem described in the Five of Pentacles.

You receive a financial boost from a charity or the intervention of a loved one. Someone helps you get back on your feet. You receive financial assistance, which puts you in a stronger position.

The Six of Pentacles appears when you are in the process of repairing financial damage. Someone takes an interest in you and helps you advance in your career.

Although the Six of Pentacles shows financial, health, and career improvement, you can’t advance without the help. You receive a boost from someone who believes in your potential.

Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Ambition & Misguided Effort)

The Seven of Pentacles portends growth and future success. You are productive, and lucky breaks help you get ahead in your career when this tarot card appears.

Number seven relates to ideals, hopes, dreams, and aspirations. The Seven of Pentacles appears when your work relates to your higher vision and goals.

You pursue a career path related to your ideals, and your work pays off. You put effort into perfecting your skills and maybe diligent and ambitious.

Your health improves when the Seven of Pentacles appears. You prioritize health and wellness. You benefit from someone’s generosity and advice when this card appears.

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Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Persistence & Insecurity)

The Eight of Pentacles appears when you are on the verge of abundance. You set a foundation for success and grow professionally. You invest in your career.

The Eight of Pentacles portends a busy time at work resulting in your efforts bringing an abundant harvest. You are on the brink of manifesting the abundance you’ve earned.

Your health is solid, and you create stability and security. You are creative and productive when the Eight of Pentacles appears. You are close to mastering a craft or trade and are on the verge of improving your career.

Nine of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Abundance & Pretentiousness)

The Nine of Pentacles is a good omen for your career and finances. Nine is several perfection and expansion. You manifest wealth and have plenty to share with others.

The Nine of Pentacles indicates you can be generous and celebrate the fruits of your labor. You may get a raise or reach a financial milestone. You are financially comfortable and have plenty to share.

Your career is on track for success when the Nine of Pentacles appears. Others recognize your reputation, and your work is solid. You are sought out by others who wish to recruit you because of your skills and talents.

Are you at a crossroads? A tarot reading can help guide you.

Ten of Pentacles

Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Success & Delay)

The Ten of Pentacles in a tarot reading suggests the completion of a work goal. You reach new heights in your career, and your business thrives. Your work brings profits and abundance.

Your financial status is solid when this card appears. You have plenty of money to create a stable foundation and share it with others. Your physical and financial needs are met, but your relationships are strained.

The Ten of Pentacles indicates you are ready to level up in your career. You reach status and accomplish significant goals. When the Ten of Pentacles appears, you can be successful and abundant.

Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Financial Growth & Inefficient)

The Page of Pentacles can represent a person or situation, or both. As a person, the Page of Pentacles is a child or young person who is ambitious and productive.

A nurturing and conscientious young person brings insight. You instill responsibility and nurture a young person. The Page of Pentacles appears when you are new in a career or a novice at work.

Service, dedication, and responsibility are the themes when the Page of Pentacles appears in a tarot card reading. You can be devoted to helping others at work and eager to prove your skills.

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Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Improved Status & Isolation)

The Knight of Pentacles represents changing circumstances, and timing, and can indicate a person. Your career changes and grows, albeit slowly. You can be slow to adjust to a new career.

You are cautious and deliberate, but your effort brings success. You are focused on success and understand you must work steadily to accomplish your goals.

The Knight of Pentacles can indicate a gradual shift in status. You slowly work your way to new opportunities. Your career improves because of the help of a young and devoted person.

Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Abundance & Vanity)

The Queen of Pentacles is a nurturing figure who encourages your financial stability and career. Emulate the traits of the Queen of Pentacles when this card appears.

If you want to progress in your career, pay attention to your relationships with others when the Queen of Pentacles shows up in a reading. The Queen of Pentacles points to connections that help you thrive.

Your finances are comfortable and abundant and others seek your guidance and advice because you are practical and patient. The Queen of Pentacles reminds you to be cautious and intentional about your career path.

Are you at a crossroads? A live tarot reading can help guide you.

King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Authority & Greed)

The King of Pentacles appears in a tarot card reading when you have mastered your skills and talents. You achieve status and power in your career and can be an authority figure.

Others seek your advice, and your talents are in demand. The King of Pentacles can also represent a mature man who takes an interest in your success and helps you grow professionally.

Your finances are well-managed and sufficient when the King of Pentacles appears. You may become adept at investing and managing a business or financial matter.

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