Tarot Ash

Suit of Wands • Momentum (Fire)

Updated March 3, 2025

The suit of wands in tarot is associated with the element fire. When numerous wands cards appear, expect passion and excitement.

The wands suit corresponds to the fire signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Wands denote adventure and action.

The suit of wands meaning in a tarot reading is momentum and passion. You are ready to pursue your dreams. Wands indicate confidence and optimism.

The suit of wands correspondences includes the fire signs and the fire element. You may act impulsively and take risks when wands are prevalent in a tarot reading.

You are excitable and surrounded by dynamic events. You may be more prone to theatrics, and your personality is more dramatic when wands appear in a reading.

Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Passion & Inertia)

The Ace of Wands represents strength, courage, and confidence. You are passionate and excitable. When the Ace of Wands appears, you focus on your goals and rush to action.

The Ace of Wands represents the spring season. Some believe the Ace of Wands portends a quick turnaround or events that happen quickly (days or weeks).

The Ace of Wands brings new energy and can indicate obsession. You may be restless and lose sleep working on a project. Manic energy and determination accompany the Ace of Wands.

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Two of Wands

Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Duality & Burnout)

The Two of Wands combines the power of the number two with the symbolism of fire. The number two corresponds to pairings, polarity, and harmony. You seek balance and are inspired by someone who motivates you.

The Two of Wands represents combinations and empowerment. You find encouragement and inspiration from a partner or someone who is your polar opposite.

You may feel restless when the Two of Wands appears as you seek momentum and growth, but things aren’t progressing as fast as you would like. You must be patient and keep your inspiration in sight.

Three of Wands

Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Progress & Misjudgment)

The Three of Wands appears in a tarot reading to indicate expansion, growth, and new motivation. You may feel empowered and invincible.

The Three of Wands encourages you to expand your horizons and pursue your dreams. You are inspired by new prospects and feel you can achieve your goals when this card appears.

When the Three of Wands shows up in a tarot card reading you are filled with passion and confidence. You are motivated to overcome obstacles no matter the challenge.

You may overestimate yourself. Your ideals fuel your ambition, and the Three of Wands help you move toward your mission without fear or insecurities.

Are you at a crossroads? A live tarot reading can help guide you.

Four of Wands

Four of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Harmony & Pettiness)

The Four of Wands appears in a tarot card reading to help you ground your intense energy. You find harmony and stability when this card appears.

Others support your dreams, and you have reason to celebrate. You may feel festive and host a party or attend a milestone like a wedding.

The Four of Wands can indicate joy and optimism. Everything seems to be going your way. You have the satisfaction of enjoying the comfort of your home with people who support your passions.

The Four of Wands encourages you to bring energy and focus to matters related to home and family. Others encourage you to fulfill your potential, and you find passion and excitement in your relationships.

Five of Wands

Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Disruption & Authority)

The Five of Wands in a tarot reading indicates conflict and tension. The support you had with the Four of Wands gives way to challenges and disruption. You must work to motivate each other.

You don’t see eye to eye and clash with a group of friends or family members. Discord and competition lead you to quarrel with each other. Rather than supporting each other’s goals you stand in each other’s way.

You lose momentum when the Five of Wands appears in a tarot card reading. Try to inspire motivation and follow through rather than clashing with friends over petty issues.

In the suit of wands story, the Five of Wands signifies a turning point. A challenging situation helps you clarify your goals and find your priorities.

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Six of Wands

Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Victory & False Hope)

The Six of Wands in a tarot card reading brings the resolution you need. You emerge as a leader, and others rally around you. You can be a source of inspiration and influence a group or team.

The suit of wands in tarot relates to motivation and action. When the Six of Wands appears you are more than halfway to accomplishing your goals. You have forward momentum and are close to success.

The Six of Wands appears when have reached a milestone. Others see you as a hero. You demonstrate your confidence and courage. The Six of Wands appears when you must take the high road.

Combine integrity and courage when this card appears in a tarot reading. You can help lead others to success. The Six of Wands brings good news and accomplishments.

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Hierarchy & Acceptance)

The Seven of Wands appears when you must be defensive. Stand your ground and be confident about your goals. The Seven of Wands indicates tension and conflict.

You have the upper hand but must assert yourself and stand up for your beliefs. You have opposition from several sources. You may feel like you are fighting against the world, but the Seven of Wands brings out your determination.

You are focused and self-assured when the Seven of Wands shows up in a reading. Your protective nature comes to the surface.

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Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Effort & Chaos)

The Eight of Wands tarot card meaning relates to ideals and growth. You are close to accomplishing a goal and have put as much effort into strategizing as you can.

Your efforts take you far, but the rest is up to fate. The Eight of Wands reminds you to let go and allow Divine Intervention. Less is more when this card appears in a reading.

Give yourself time, and your efforts bear fruit. You are close to achieving success, and the seeds you planted take root when the Eight of Wands appears.

You have many strategies working in your favor at once. Step back and let a chain reaction take place. You have set the stage, and your efforts take on their momentum when this card appears.

Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Humility & Alienation)

The Nine of Wands tarot card appears when you have endured battle scars. Trials and tribulations strengthen you. Your hardships give you a new perspective and appreciation for the challenging nature of your journey.

Make adjustments to your strategies when the Nine of Wands appears. You receive criticism or feedback that hurts your ego but helps your chances of success.

Let go of pride and be open to revisiting your plans. The Nine of Wands reminds you to be creative. You can find new opportunities if you are willing to rethink your plans.

Seasons change and so do you. Chat with a psychic!

Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Destiny & Acceptance)

The Ten of Wands appears when you are at the final stage of a project. You reach a new milestone and find completion. You are ready to level up and advance to new heights when this card appears.

The Ten of Wands in a tarot reading brings the final stage of a plan. You complete a cycle and are ready to grow and advance. The efforts you initiated with the Ace of Wands are now fully developed.

Your dreams and ambitions come to fruition when the Ten of Wands appears in a reading. You are near the end of a struggle and can release tension and hardship soon.

Page of Wands

Page of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Passion & Carelessness)

The Page of Wands appears in a tarot reading to represent a person or situation. You are new to a project or mission and are still learning the ropes.

The Page of Wands signifies a person or personality characteristics. When this card appears you are optimistic, confident, and energetic. You are ready for an adventure and eager to prove yourself.

A young person or child is in the spotlight when the Page of Wands appears in a tarot reading. A child may be disruptive or bring enthusiasm and excitement.

Are you at a crossroads? A tarot reading can help guide you.

Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Travel & Wasted Effort)

The Knight of Wands in a tarot reading brings an abrupt change. Expect fast-paced action and excitement when the Knight of Wands appears.

Your path takes an unexpected turn. and you are energized and enthusiastic. The Knight of Wands appears when you are on a mission and devoted to your crusade.

You may be a courageous champion for others. You are eager to help uplift and empower others when the Knight of Wands is featured in a reading.

A young adult or enthusiastic person brings passion and excitement. You make progress and advance on your path.

Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Charm & Selfishness)

The Queen of Wands nurtures your creative passions and instincts. You are a natural leader and inspire others when this card appears in a tarot reading.

A passionate woman encourages you. Someone confident and self-assured inspires you to live up to your potential. You are motivated by a creative and clever woman.

The Queen of Wands appears in a tarot reading to help you overcome fears and insecurities. When this card appears you are determined to succeed.

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King of Wands

King of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Protective & Stubborn)

The King of Wands represents expertise and authority. You prove yourself and feel confident in your abilities. Others seek your wisdom and direction when the King of Wands appears.

A mature and confident man encourages your growth and motivates you to overcome obstacles. You are promoted to leadership status and can become an authority in your profession.

You are ambitious and energetic but have control over your temper when the King of Wands appears. The King of Wands symbolizes mastery of your passions and ambitions.

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