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Page of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Passion & Carelessness)

Updated March 24, 2025

The Page of Wands can represent a person or situation. The Page of Wands as a person is youthful, energetic, and passionate.

The Page of Wands also represents a new opportunity or early phase of a project or journey. Expect excitement and adventure.

The Page of Wands tarot card meaning relates to a person, situation, or personality traits you need to bring your goals to fruition. Look to surrounding cards for context.

The Page of Wands is a determined, passionate young person who goes to battle for you. The Page can also encourage you to act on your instincts.

When the Page of Wands appears you must act swiftly to pursue your dreams. Avoid procrastination or delays when this card appears.

Page of Wands Tarot Card
UprightExuberance, Passion, Determination
ReversedTreachery, Carelessness, Impulsivity
Yes or NoYes
ArcanaMinor Arcana
Zodiac SignAries
Angel Number11

Common Symbolism

The Page of Wands symbolism relates to youth and passion. A young person holds a wand and stands ready to move forward. A red feather in their cap, their garments are adorned with images of salamanders.

Their clothes are yellow, orange, and red, all symbolizing the element of fire. The Page of Wands represents the fire element as the spirit of confidence and enthusiasm.

A desert landscape surrounds the Page, symbolic of open possibilities. The desert also reinforces the association with the fire element, as deserts are hot and arid.

Other variations of the Page of Wands include symbols such as dragons representing fire and courage and treasure and potential. The Page of Wands also sometimes appears crowned by sunlight.

Torches, fire, wands, and other images related to the fire element are common symbols on the Page of Wands card. The Page symbolizes enlightenment, insight, and confidence.

They stand tall, ready to take on their quest without delay. They are eager and optimistic, and the Page of Wands symbolism reflects this encouraging attitude.

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Upright General Meaning

The Page of Wands meaning can be complicated. Sometimes the Page of Wands refers to a child or young person who plays a significant role in your life. Other times, the Page of Wands indicates a fast-paced change.

The Page of Wands appears when you must adopt a youthful and passionate perspective to accomplish your goals. The Page of wands can indicate novelty, such as a new position at work or novice status in a relationship.

Expect dramatic changes, exciting news, and adventures to arise when the Page of Wands appears in a tarot card reading. The Page of Wands tarot guides you to stay on your toes and be ready for action.

The Page of Wands yes or no indicates you have the green light to move forward on your plans. Move fast or you’ll miss an opportunity. Keep your enthusiasm and sense of wonder when this card appears.

The Page of Wands as feelings indicates passion, happiness, and optimism. You may cheer others as you rally people to your cause. A young person may bring favorable news and encourage you to see the bright side.

The Page of Wands zodiac sign is Aries. An Aries person helps guide you to victory, or the Page of Wands encourages you to emulate common Aries traits like confidence and daring.

Upright Love & Relationships

The Page of Wands in love indicates new romance and a passionate affair. Someone younger sweeps you off your feet. Although the Pages often depict children, in romance, the Page can also be an adult who is younger or immature.

Your love life heats up, and you eagerly show a love interest and your attraction to them. A loved one pursues you and makes their feelings clear. You can take romance to another level when this card appears.

The Page of Wands appears when you are in the honeymoon phase of a relationship. You are getting to know someone new and doing your best to impress a love interest. Your sex life is filled with passion and adventure.

Sometimes the Page of Wands appears in a love reading to indicate the child of a love interest. Your partner has a young child who may need attention. You can find deeper meaning by consulting additional cards.

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Upright Money & Career

The Page of Wands in career and finances indicates a new opportunity. You are excited to join a new team or apprentice in a profession. You bring enthusiasm and energy to a work project.

Though the Page of Wands denotes novice status in your professional life, you are eager to learn and grow. You have far to go and room to develop your skills when this card appears.

The Page of Wands can indicate a hasty career decision. Acting on instinct leads to success. You are attracted to adventurous and risky careers. You may be excited by an opportunity to prove yourself and test your courage.

Your finances hinge on fast thinking and determination. You have a narrow window of opportunity to make an investment you hope will succeed. Impetuousness can help you expand your finances.

You may have a new financial plan or take on a new project that requires some work but will improve your financial future, such as renovating houses or taking on gig work.

Upright Health

The Page of Wands in health indicates energy and vitality. Your health is thriving, and you have plenty of stamina to accomplish your goals. You may look and feel younger when this card appears.

The Page of Wands denotes health improvements. A new diet brings out your youthful energy. You take a challenging exercise class or begin a new workout routine that helps you show strength.

Your health improves quickly from an injury or illness. You can rebound easily and have little to worry about when the Page of Wands appears.

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Upright Spirituality

The Page of Wands in a spirituality reading suggests faith, wonder, and hope. You are on a spiritual quest and are optimistic about new practices or beliefs.

The Page of Wands appears when you are in the process of learning more about your spirituality. You can be enthusiastic about gaining wisdom, and your intuition is fine-tuned.

The Page of Wands advice is to be free of judgment and open to new possibilities. You can be passionate and eager to share your insights with others. You find new connections in a spiritual community.

Reversed General Meaning

The Page of Wands reversed brings out the worst aspects of this card’s traits and personality. Rather than filled with wonder and excitement, someone close to you is devious and cunning.

A young person deceives you and uses their passion to compete with you rather than offering assistance. A battle of wills undermines a relationship. Impulsive actions lead to unwanted consequences.

The Page of Wands reversed is possessive, jealous, and selfish. You may be self-focused and neglect others’ needs. The Page of Wands reversed indicates your ambitions cloud your judgment.

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Reversed Love & Relationships

The Page of Wands reversed in love indicates a careless lover. Someone flirty and passionate misleads you. An exciting sexual relationship leads to disappointment.

You expect an emotional commitment from someone who only is interested in a sexual connection. Your sex life is spicey and exciting, but your partner is not interested in commitment and only wants to have fun in bed.

A partner or love interest is immature and doesn’t fulfill your expectations. You want a reaction from someone who sees your relationship as only fun and games.

The reversed Page of Wands can indicate the child of a love interest who challenges your relationship. You may clash with a partner over parenting styles. A jealous child tries to sabotage your relationship.

A partner may act jealous, possessive, and immature; your relationship is filled with discord. Anger and resentment come to the surface in passive-aggressive ways.

Reversed Money & Career

The Page of Wands reversed in career indicates foolishness and impulsivity costing you opportunities. You are eager to prove yourself but go too far to push an idea or strategy.

The Page of Wands reversed in career indicates you aren’t ready for an opportunity you seek. Your skills are undeveloped or you must gain more experience or maturity to take on a new role.

The Page of Wands reversed can bring financial woes. You made an impulsive purchase or hasty investment that sends your finances plummeting. The Page of Wands reversed cautions you against investing in pipe dreams.

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Reversed Health

The Six of Wands reversed in a health reading indicates your health is turned upside down because of a chaotic and careless lifestyle. You avoid illness and injury narrowly.

Often this card appears as a warning to slow down and take your health seriously. You are draining yourself and setting yourself up for health repercussions if you continue a path of impulsivity and overwork.

You may be overexercising or indulging too much in your favorite pleasures. Though you don’t see the impact of your choices yet, the Page of Wands reversed cautions you to make healthier choices.

Reversed Spirituality

The Page of Wands reversed in a spirituality reading indicates you are confusing blind faith for spiritual wisdom. You may follow a misguided guru or jump on a trendy bandwagon that leads to dead ends.

Pursue a deeper understanding of your spiritual interests rather than skimming the surface. Spiritual guidance can help you gain perspective on a situation causing resentment and anger.

You may be deceived by someone who flirts with spiritual tools but has an ulterior motive. Avoid falling for scams from charlatans and unscrupulous spiritual leaders.

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