Tarot Ash

Six-Month Tarot Spread

Updated February 15, 2025

Take your tarot reading skills to the next level with a six-month tarot spread. The six-month spread is eclectic and informative.

As one of the easy tarot spreads, you gain a long-range forecast. You can prepare for your future with this layout.

The six months ahead tarot spread gives a small and large-scale overview. A final bonus card speaks to the theme that unites each month’s lessons.

You can use the six-months tarot card spread to learn about upcoming lessons. Of all the types of tarot card spreads, this one gives you balance and perspective.

The six-month tarot spread gives you a broad view of upcoming events while also allowing time for circumstances to manifest. Use this spread for planning and manifestation.

Month One

Use this tarot spread to cover January to June or July to December. You can also start this spread at any time during the year and forecast the six months.

Shuffle your cards and place the first card to your far left. This card will be the first in a horizontal line. The card in this position represents the initial month covered by your reading.

You may be surprised to learn a single card can cover many topics. One card for a month gives you a sense of the themes and prevalent issues you deal with over the month.

A major arcana card easily translates across different topics as their lessons are transposable and universal. Yet even minor arcana cards can speak to several issues at once.

The Ten of Pentacles in this position indicates a focus on career and work. You complete a project or reach new professional heights.

The Ten of Pentacles speaks to tense family relationships. You spend this month engrossed in work and neglect your relationships. Financial strain and prioritizing work comes at a cost.

Work on finding a balance between your professional and relationship goals. An ace card in this position indicates beginnings and excitement.

When an ace appears in this position, the theme for the month is to let go and start over. Be open to new opportunities and ideas. The Ace of Pentacles indicates new money or new career options.

The Ace of Wands involves new passions and adventures. The Ace of Swords brings information that changes your perspective and motivates you. The Ace of Cups indicates new love and happiness.

If the card in this position is a court card, you emulate the personality described in the card. A helpful person plays a role in assisting you during this month.

Seasons change and so do you. Chat with a psychic!

Month Two

The second card in a six-month spread represents the forecast for the next month. Place this card to the right of the first. Repeat the process for interpreting this card as you did for month one.

Remember to apply the card’s meaning across different topics. The card’s message pertains to the most significant aspect of your month and can also relate to various life areas.

If the card is reversed, the lesson for this month may be elusive. You may be avoiding a conflict and skirting an issue that requires your attention. A process takes longer than expected, be patient and open to adjusting your expectations.

Month Three

The next card in your reading represents the third month. Repeat the process, placing the card you select to the right of the first two.

Now that almost half of your spread is complete, examine the cards in your layout. Look for themes such as repeated major arcana cards or one major card standing out amidst minor cards.

Prevalent major arcana cards in your reading, especially if several of these cards appear consecutively, indicate spiritual growth and tests.

Notice any themes among major and minor cards that correspond to each other. For instance, the Two of Cups and the Lovers appearing consecutively suggest matters of romance and partnership

If the majority of the cards in your reading thus far are reversed, you face significant disruptions and delays. Be patient and adapt to unexpected detours.

If the third card breaks from a pattern, such as being the only card of a different suit, the third month can indicate a turning point or milestone. You can also find patterns in the card numbers and themes for the year so far.

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Month Four

Place the next card to the right of the third and continue the horizontal line pattern. This card represents the fourth month. Interpret this card as a forecast for the month.

At this stage in your six-month spread, you can begin deriving meanings from the monthly cards as individual forecasts while examining each card’s connection to the others.

You should see a narrative appear that describes how each month will progress. Exploring the spread on a micro and macro level gives you an enhanced perspective to understand the lessons you face.

You may see patterns of growth followed by obstacles giving way to a smooth transition. Analyze the card numbers, suits, and themes.

Reversed cards disrupt the flow of energy. Reconsider your plans or be open to alternative paths when cards are reversed.

Month Five

Now you are on the brink of completing your spread. The fifth card goes to the right of the fourth. You should have a horizontal line of tarot cards that forecast each month so far.

The fifth card should give you an idea of whether your challenges are resolved or continued. If you don’t see a resolution to problems that appeared earlier in the spread, your forecast calls for patience and creativity.

The Six of Pentacles tarot card meaning in this position speaks to financial relief. Your earnings or a bonus helps you break even. Financial help gets you back on your feet again as the six months come to a close.

Yet a card like the Hanged Man in the fifth position indicates stagnation. Your issues aren’t likely to be resolved in a month, but rather take several months to heal. Find new insights and spiritual growth while you accept a challenging situation.

If the fifth card in the spread indicates breakthroughs and happiness, the remaining cards in the spread indicate what your next steps should be. Accomplishment or a return to the drawing board should be clear by now.

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Month Six

What is the sixth card in the tarot reading? The final monthly forecast is the card that represents the sixth month. Place this card to the right of the fifth card, completing this section.

Examine the full six months for patterns and correspondences. The sixth card shows you how a situation will resolve or what will be prominent in your life in six months.

Remember, a lot can happen in six months. If the message of the cards in months four, five, or six seems unfamiliar, it could be because these time frames are distant.

You may expect to be promoted at work in six months only to find the cards in month six to relate to family. Just because you weren’t planning on a situation, doesn’t mean it is not coming.

One of the hardest things tarot readers must do is keep an open mind. You don’t know what your life will look like in six months, which is why you’re consulting the tarot.

The six-card tarot spread’s meaning relates to your general forecast a half-year from the present. Your lifestyle can be different when this time arrives, so be open-minded when interpreting the card’s message.

The card in this position also indicates what you must accomplish or resolve in the next six months. For example, the Six of Swords tarot meaning suggests you resolve a problem by seeking calmer shores.

You may relocate or change jobs. You seek refuge and change scenery. But this card both answers questions and raises more. As time approaches, you can consult the tarot again for more guidance.

Bonus Card: Theme

The final card in this spread represents your six-month theme. Place this card far to the right of the others, continuing the horizontal line but with a space between the sixth and seventh cards.

The seventh card represents an overarching message. This message can be a lesson you must keep in mind over the six months.

Again, the message you receive may not be what you expected. Be open to the guidance that you need even if it is not what you thought you would receive.

A major arcana card in this position indicates spiritual lessons related to the archetype of the card. A minor arcana card as the theme guides you to address the life area corresponding to this card.

A court card in this position brings lessons from this suit’s personality traits. The card guides you to emulate the personality of the page, knight, queen, or king.

An Ace in this position asks you to be open to new opportunities. Let go of expectations and control if an ace appears as the seventh card in this spread.

If the bonus card is from the wands suit, your passions are key to success for this six-month timeframe. If the swords suit appears in this position, be discreet and logical as you navigate the six months to come.

A cup card in this position indicates emotional healing, cleansing, and relationships are in focus for the six months overall. Each choice you make is about building connection, not ambition.

If a pentacles card is in this placement, you are motivated by a desire for security. Abundance is the theme, and your tests and lessons relate to staying grounded and being practical.

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