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Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Restoration & Debt)

Updated March 4, 2025

The Six of Pentacles means restoring your finances and health to balance. Your resources are solid.

The Six of Pentacles is called the Six of Gems, Stones, or Coins and relates to practical resources.

The Six of Pentacles in a tarot reading indicates financial relief is coming. A gift or settlement restores equilibrium.

Don’t expect to become independently wealthy when the Six of Pentacles appears. Money comes your way, but it will only be enough to break even.

A settlement corrects a past injustice. Someone uses money or a gift to make amends. Expect health and finances to reach a comfortable baseline.

Six of Pentacles Tarot Card
UprightReparation, Restoration, Equity
ReversedInjustice, Theft, Debt
Yes or NoYes
ArcanaMinor Arcana
Zodiac SignTaurus
Angel Number6

Common Symbolism

The Six of Pentacles tarot symbolism can be minimalistic, showing only six coins or Pentacles against a plain background. Yet more elaborate variations of this card include a figure standing before two people kneeling in supplication with hands outstretched.

The standing figure holds a scale in one hand and pours coins into the open palm of one of the kneeling figures. The benefactor wears the garb of an aristocrat, implying privilege, wealth, and financial comfort.

The two kneeling figures wear plain clothes associated with poverty. The scale symbolizes that charity received is related to justice, not pity. The humble position of the two impoverished figures suggests lower status.

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Upright General Meaning

The Six of Pentacles appears in a reading to show you have paid off a debt or a debt is paid; a gift or money is a symbol of justice or reconciliation. You win a small settlement or judgment.

You may also receive a surprise check in the mail from a business or service to reimburse you for an overpayment; you square up with someone who owes you money.

The Six of Pentacles does not imply abundance; it suggests money comes your way. You may still face ongoing struggles, but injustice is corrected.

You appeal to an authority to mediate a situation involving wrongdoing. You find balance, and someone helps you find practical ways to compensate for a loss.

You may suffer hardship, but you’ll get back on your feet soon and compensate for what was lost. If you’ve lost physical abilities due to injuries or illnesses, you can strengthen other senses to balance this loss.

The Six of Pentacles yes or no indicates a favorable outcome if you are looking for relief from lack and scarcity. Yet if you ask about abundance or wealth, the answer is no.

The Six of Pentacles card of the day implies you will receive an unexpected gift or opportunity that enables you to break even financially. A legal case is resolved in your favor. Mediation leads to resolution.

Upright Love & Relationships

The Six of Pentacles in love suggests someone helps you work through hardship with your partner; a couples counselor or mediator guides you through wounds in your relationship. An outside perspective provides insight and resolution.

A partner shows remorse for past wrongdoing in practical ways; someone who owes you an apology shares a gift or gives you a payment to demonstrate their desire for reconciliation.

You can repair a relationship, and a partner from your past returns to try to make amends. You may get back together with your ex or someone from your past to heal your connection.

The Six of Pentacles as feelings implies relief, hope, and encouragement. Your partner inspires your ideals, and you may feel relieved because someone helps lift a burden from your shoulders.

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Upright Money & Career

The Six of Pentacles in a career reading suggests slow growth and underappreciation. The Six of Pentacles typically portends healing and balance, showing an opportunity to make up for a loss.

Yet in career and money readings, the Six of Pentacles has less positive connotations. The Six of Pentacles in your career indicates your compensation falls short of what you need.

You have enough to break even but are limited when this card appears. You want to advance but can’t find opportunities to thrive. You receive a bonus or one-time payment instead of a raise.

A financial gift or benefit compensates for a promotion or new opportunity. Your career path is misaligned with your needs when the Six of Pentacles appears; you aren’t living up to your professional potential.

Your financial situation improves as you are restored to baseline when the Six of Pentacles appears. You aren’t going to get ahead, but you can pay off a debt or compensate for a previous loss.

The Six of Pentacles followed by the Seven of Pentacles implies you build up your savings after a period of debt or financial loss. Your income is hard-earned, but you can make up for past losses.

Upright Health

The Six of Pentacles in a health reading portends healing and returning to your baseline. You heal completely or find ways to compensate for lost abilities; your prognosis is promising when this card appears.

Your health and finances are related when the Six of Pentacles tarot card appears in a reading. A long healing journey is worthwhile as your efforts at physical therapy and wellness pay off.

You can heal from an injury or illness but must put effort into the process. A path to healing brings humility and gratitude. You appreciate your health because of a close call with an illness.

The Six of Pentacles followed by the Eight of Pentacles indicates an abundance of energy and productivity after a period of illness; you progress from feeling stagnant and exhausted to having the stamina to devote to your work and hobbies.

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Upright Spirituality

The Six of Pentacles in spirituality indicates fulfillment and redemption. Your faith and connection improve after you endure hardship. You meet someone who uplifts you and inspires your hope.

You have an epiphany or breakthrough that helps you put your suffering and hardships into perspective. You realize you have more power than you knew, and your spiritual and mundane efforts bring renewal.

The Six of Pentacles focuses on money and material comfort, yet in spiritual reading, this card suggests spiritual growth must come before financial success. Cultivate gratitude and humility when this card appears.

The Six of Pentacles followed by the Page of Pentacles indicates new perspectives and insights following a second chance. You may have a childlike hope for the future, which restores your faith and inspiration.

Reversed General Meaning

The Six of Pentacles reversed portends the loss of perspective, ingratitude, or manipulation. Someone takes advantage of your suffering or exploits your financial situation.

Financial imbalance is likely when the Six of Pentacles appears reversed. You fall into debt or become the victim of a scam or predatory loan. Desperate financial circumstances lead to escalating debts.

The Six of Pentacles reversed suggests someone appears to lend a hand, but they don’t offer the help you need. A philanthropic person manipulates you.

Work on grounding yourself and avoid desperate measures; you can find the justice, support, and restoration you need, but you are searching in the wrong places when this card is reversed.

The Six of Pentacles reversed yes or no reading is unfavorable; your desires are unmet, and your expectations are disappointed. Someone you count on treats you unfairly.

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Reversed Love & Relationships

The Six of Pentacles reversed in love suggests you realize your hopes of a reunion with a loved one is an illusion; someone from your past emerges to heal a relationship but you can’t transcend hardships.

You may feel betrayed by a partner or loved one. Your relationship is out of balance, and a partner may use their financial standing to exert power over you.

Among the more positive meanings of the Six of Pentacles reversed in love, your partner recovers from illness, gets a new job, or returns to a baseline that benefits your relationship; you transcend a hardship with your partner.

The Six of Pentacles advice is to work with someone from your past to heal old wounds. Your reunion has a purpose; make the most of your opportunity to bring understanding and resolution.

Reversed Money & Career

The Six of Pentacles reversed in career readings brings good news of improvements. Small steps help you make progress; don’t expect a dramatic change in your career.

The reversed Six of Pentacles indicates money may slip through your fingers. You may be swindled by others and can’t count on generosity or charity.

Yet your career and professional life improve; work income is reliable. Don’t count on income from a settlement, gift, or collaboration with a partner.

Avoid taking out loans and going into debt when the Six of Pentacles is reversed. A business deal falls through or you realize a collaboration undermines your professional goals.

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Reversed Health

The Six of Pentacles reversed in health brings good news; your health improves, and you return to stability. From this vantage point, you can easily make progress toward restoring your finances and pursuing your goals.

Someone offers you advice or resources that help you recover from illness. The Six of Pentacles reversed brings restoration and balance after an illness.

You can recover from an illness if you are willing to take risks and follow your instincts. You must go against the status quo or find a unique path to wellness.

Reversed Spirituality

The Six of Pentacles reversed in spirituality indicates blind faith. Your judgment suffers because you want to believe in your ideals and put too much stock in the way things should be.

Don’t dismiss your practical instincts. Find a balance between wisdom and idealism when the Six of Pentacles appears reversed; your spiritual path is ungrounded, and you must face reality and limitations.

You may confuse wishful thinking with intuition when the Six of Pentacles appears reversed. Restore the balance between your spiritual connection and material needs.

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