The Three of Wands tarot card means you expand your plans. You have faith in the future and see good things on the horizon.
Your work begins to bear fruit, and others recognize your abilities and talents. You can be influential and assemble a team.
The Three of Wands portends growth and prosperity because of your strategies and teamwork. You convince others to follow your ideas.
Although your dreams haven’t manifested, you have a clear plan and ambition. You know the path to follow and the assistance of peers who help you thrive.
You emerge as a leader without a designated title. Others have faith in your vision and direction.
Upright | Expansion, Optimism, Progress |
Reversed | Disillusionment, Misjudgment, Futility |
Yes or No | Yes |
Arcana | Minor Arcana |
Element | Fire |
Zodiac Sign | Leo |
Angel Number | 3 |
Stone | Aquamarine |
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Common Symbolism
The Three of Wands symbolism suggests thoughtfulness and expectations. A figure faces a vast landscape, two staves beside him on one side. He reaches out to grasp one of the staves. On his other side is a single staff.
In some variations of the Three of Wands, he stands on a beach with the sea in the distance and an open sky above him, suggesting untapped potential. The Staves or Wands are branches with green buds symbolizing growth.
The figure wears an outfit suggesting class and status. Some cards depict the figure as a warrior seeking victory. The Three of Wands symbolism sometimes includes torches, pens, or salamanders.
The Three of Wands correlates to the fire element. Though the symbolism pertains to action and movement, the figure stands still. The Three of Wands symbolizes the early stages of a plan and waiting for the results of your actions.
The figure holding one of the wands symbolizes taking charge and selecting a strategy. You have options and must take the reins when this card appears.
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Upright General Meaning
The Three of Wands appears when you set an example for others. Your optimism and charisma attract others to join your mission. You have a game plan and begin to test the waters.
Your options expand, and you take charge and show initiative. Be open to collaborating with a team, not just a partner. You thrive because of a shared effort, yet you maintain autonomy and aren’t under another’s direction.
You are focused on the future and have faith in your capabilities. The Three of Wands appears when you have early signs of evidence that success is inevitable. You dabble with a strategy and have successful outcomes.
Others support your mission, and you await feedback before taking your work to a new stage. You can be encouraging and inspire others to follow your plans.
The Three of Wands yes or no indicates a yes response. You can expect to receive what you desire, but you must be patient. Your passions and insight lead to success in time.
The Three of Wands guides you to expand your prospects and be open to new strategies. Your ideals and charisma inspire you to chase your ambitions.
Upright Love & Relationships
The Three of Wands in love suggests you are making progress courting a love interest. A relationship develops into something more serious. Your passions grow, and your feelings are shared.
Although the Three of Wands can indicate the expansion of passion and excitement in a romantic partnership, the number three pertains to groups. The Three of Wands brings your attention to family and group matters.
A group of friends inspires you to follow your dreams. You plan a trip with a group or family. Your energy and confidence are recharged because of helpful input from family or friends.
The Two of Wands followed by the Three of Wands indicates a relationship growing or discussions of family and plans. The Ace of Wands followed by the Three of Wands shows an instant attraction that becomes a source of passion and inspiration.
The Three of Wands as feelings suggest anticipation, confidence, and pleasure. You are satisfied with your relationships and eager to pursue your passions and dreams with a partner.
The Three of Wands followed by the Four of Wands suggests happiness in a partnership or family. You settle into a new home or celebrate a milestone or long-awaited announcement.
The King of Wands and Three of Wands suggest infatuation with an intellectual, creative, and passionate man. You connect with an inspiring and influential person who may be a leader or authority figure.
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Upright Money & Career
The Three of Wands in a career and money reading indicates milestones and growth in your profession. Although the Three of Wands does not portend a promotion or drastic increase in status, it correlates to recognition.
Your workload expands, and you attain new clients and projects. You are recruited to take on more work and may juggle three significant tasks or assignments.
You are tested when the Three of Swords appears. Do your best, and promotion awaits. Don’t be narrow-minded or headstrong. Flexibility and collaboration are required when the Three of Wands appears.
The Three of Wands followed by the Five of Wands suggests conflict between colleagues. You have a vision for advancement, but you clash with peers whose support you need.
Upright Health
The Three of Wands in a health reading indicates strength and growth. Your recovery from an injury or illness progresses and you move forward with plans for the future.
You become motivated to make lifestyle changes to support your health. You can be an inspiration to others who seek self-improvement. A group effort leads to wellness and recovery.
You feel strong and invigorated, and you foresee the rewards of hard work. You are energetic, and your health goals are within reach.
Are you at a crossroads? A psychic reading can help guide you.
Upright Spirituality
The Three of Wands in spirituality suggests your passion for a new spiritual path grows. Your wisdom expands, and you may travel to pursue spiritual connection.
Sacred lands and practices call to you. You explore astral travel or trancework as a means of changing your perspective. You find healing and connection in groups.
You become excited about a spiritual community, and shared acts of devotion and ritual help you maintain your sense of a higher purpose. You are eager to pursue an initiation or spiritual milestone.
Reversed General Meaning
The Three of Wands reversed indicates poor judgment and disillusionment. You lack innovation and don’t have the willpower to follow through on your ideas.
You may have whimsical fantasies but you burn out or become distracted before putting your ideas into action. You aren’t open to collaboration or trying to claim glory and recognition rather than sharing credit for a project.
You can’t see future possibilities and focus only on the present moment. Shortsightedness costs you opportunities as you aren’t motivated to pursue strategies for long-term gains. You seek quick fixes, but impulsivity doesn’t lead to success.
Your lack of determination and scattered energy undermines your goals. You ignore people who attempt to support your dreams. The Three of Wands reversed suggests you need to focus and take measures to manifest your dreams.
Are you at a crossroads? A tarot reading can help guide you.
Reversed Love & Relationships
The Three of Wands reversed in love indicates an imbalance in a relationship. You have selfish interests in a relationship, or your feelings are not shared. You don’t see a future for a relationship.
Passion and sexual chemistry keep you fascinated with someone, but you don’t have a deeper connection. You question the long-term potential of a relationship with someone inconsistent.
A love interest is not committing, or you are disillusioned or burned out from chasing someone who is not putting energy into the relationship. You face infighting and disharmony among a group of friends.
Reversed Money & Career
The Three of Wands reversed in career indicates a lack of ambition. Your job doesn’t offer opportunities to expand and you feel stuck in your career. You aren’t looking at long-term prospects and focus instead on getting by day to day.
You may be in survival mode financially and in your career when the Three of Wands reversed appears in a reading. Although you must focus on the present, don’t limit your future options.
Your motivation needs a boost, and you struggle to find strategies that lead to realistic goals. Work on connecting your ideal vision in your career with actions you can take to succeed.
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Reversed Health
The Three of Wands reversed in a health reading suggests you live for the day and are not concerned about your health. Pleasure and passion consume your focus.
You ignore dietary restrictions and moderate your alcohol or drug intake. You may go to extremes to seek new experiences but aren’t concerned with health or wellness. You ignore health recommendations or ignore red flags.
Pay attention to your routines to avoid accidents and injuries. You can be prone to health issues because you aren’t considering precautions.
Your path to wellness and recovery is thwarted because you are reluctant to embrace rules and restrictions. You follow your passions and don’t worry about the consequences until they arise.
Reversed Spirituality
The Three of Wands reversed in spirituality indicates you are wandering and lost on your spiritual path. You aren’t focused on dogma or orthodox traditions. You may dabble in various beliefs without committing to one.
You may feel disillusioned with your spirituality and seek fulfillment in new outlets. Yet you are experimenting on your own without the support of a community when the Three of Wands is reversed.
Your prospects improve if you find others to share your quest with and inform your spiritual connection. You can find insight and inspiration if you are open to feedback from others.
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