The Two of Swords’ meaning relates to confusion and ambivalence. You feel stuck trying to choose between two undesirable options.
Take your time and consider your options. You need to reflect and create a strategy before moving forward.
The Two of Swords tarot card meaning indicates you feel conflicted about the path you must take. You are frozen until you choose among two unfavorable options.
Waiting for a perfect solution can cost you opportunities. The Two of Swords can indicate ambivalence and indecision.
Take your time and evaluate your options. Avoid closing your mind to some of your choices. Make peace with a challenging decision and commit to an imperfect strategy you can accept.
Upright | Indecision, Contemplation, Ambivalence |
Reversed | Risk, Impulse, Initiative |
Yes or No | Maybe |
Arcana | Minor Arcana |
Element | Air |
Zodiac Sign | Gemini |
Angel Number | 2 |
Stone | Citrine |
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Common Symbolism
The Two of Swords’ symbolism suggests indecision and ignorance. A woman sits on a stone bench beneath a crescent moon. She is blindfolded and holds a sword in each hand.
Her hands are crossed, and the swords form a large “X” as if blocking her options or protecting herself. She is blindfolded, and her back is to a lake or bay in the distance. Ripples in the water suggest turbulence.
Other variations of this card include an image of two swords against a minimalist background. The crescent moon indicates an early stage of a cycle. More information is needed to decide; your options haven’t come to fruition yet.
The blindfolded woman symbolizes either lack of insight and awareness or intentionally turning inward and focusing on intuition. You may turn your attention inward to disregard distractions and attune to your inner wisdom.
The position of the swords symbolizes an obstacle or defensive attitude. You may be closed off to feedback or face a challenge that stands in the way of progress. The waters in the background suggest an emotional stake in a situation. You may feel restless.
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Upright General Meaning
The Two of Swords appears in a tarot reading when you are at an impasse. You have decisions to make and feel insufficiently equipped to move forward with your plans.
Reflect on your resources and options. Your best insights come after listening to your intuition, but you must also find a balance between inner guidance and rational wisdom.
Avoid impulsivity when the Two of Swords shows up in a reading. Think through your options and be open to new information and feedback from others. You may not have perfect choices, but you can make a plan and follow through.
Committing to a course of action doesn’t cancel all other opportunities. Fear of missing out may paralyze you, but you can adapt your ideas and strategies once you decide.
The Two of Swords reminds you that doing nothing is still a choice. Sometimes intentionally hesitating and waiting is the best option; other times this is a path to stagnation. Use discernment to understand when to wait and when to act.
The Two of Swords tarot guides you to sit in quiet contemplation. Meditating and developing intuition are essential when this card appears in a reading. With the Two of Swords, yes or no is not the answer. The message is to wait and see.
The Two of Swords followed by the Two of Wands suggests you must come to a decision and then follow through. You channel creativity and inspiration first and then act on your instincts.
Upright Love & Relationships
The Two of Swords in love suggests ambivalence about a relationship. You may feel attracted to someone but also have legitimate reservations about pursuing a relationship. You reach an impasse in love and can be ambivalent about a friendship or relationship.
You may fear losing your independence or have conflicted feelings about a relationship. You may feel alone in a relationship because a partner is not showing vulnerability and intimacy.
If you are single and looking for a relationship you may feel stuck. You aren’t finding an ideal prospect and may consider settling for someone out of desperation.
Avoid talking yourself into a relationship about which you aren’t passionate. You may be overthinking and analyzing your prospects. Pay attention to your intuition in relationship decisions.
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Upright Money & Career
The Two of Swords in career readings suggest stagnation in your career. A new job or career path is not what you expected. You are left deciding whether to gain experience or seek new opportunities.
You may search for a job or career change but not find any openings that suit your needs. The Two of Swords suggests a difficult choice awaits. You can follow the status quo or strike out on a new path.
Your intuition is guiding you; avoid being influenced by outside opinions. Avoid giving in to peer pressure at work, especially if tempted to cut corners.
Practice discretion and strategic thinking to help you move forward professionally. The Two of Swords can indicate two equally imperfect job options. One is not better than the other, and your best choice is to pursue one choice as a stepping stone.
Your past financial choices catch up with you when the Two of Swords appears. You may have to negotiate to get out of debt or make uncomfortable changes to your budget or financial plans.
Upright Health
The Two of Swords in a health reading indicates you are ambivalent or conflicted about a decision related to your well-being. You are considering adopting your routines, such as starting a diet or exercise plan.
You may be considering whether to have a surgical or other medical procedure. The Two of Swords appears in a health reading when your commitment to change is low. Work on finding the motivation you need to put your ideas into action.
You may wrestle with health recommendations with which you disagree. Take your time and learn about your options. You may be closed to feedback or are ignoring your intuition.
You can improve your health but must commit to changes that support your recovery. You seek a second opinion because you doubt professional advice.
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Upright Spirituality
The Two of Swords in a spirituality reading indicates you are choosing between two ideologies or new information challenges your faith. Decide on a path forward based on your intuition.
You question your spiritual beliefs and traditions and must work on finding clarity about what resonates with you. Test new spiritual teachings and ideas and meditate on your priorities.
Your spiritual path may branch in a new direction, and although you don’t feel confident in your faith yet; you can cultivate a stronger spiritual connection in time. Avoid impulsive decisions and sit with your beliefs and ideals.
Reversed General Meaning
The Two of Swords reversed appears when you decide on a stalemate. You commit to a course of action or take a risk and follow through.
It’s time to overcome ambivalence and free yourself from anxiety by making a choice. You may act impulsively after a period of careful reflection. Yet any momentum helps you move forward when the Two of Swords appears reversed.
The Two of Swords reversed followed by the Ace of Swords indicates the time for contemplation is over, and you must now move forward. Commit to a plan and follow through.
The Two of Swords reversed followed by the Five of Swords indicates impulsivity leads to regrets and conflicts. You break from stagnation but may seem like you’ve gone from the frying pan into the fire.
The Two of Swords as feelings can represent serenity or anxiety. You start with restlessness and nervous feelings, and the lesson of this card is to develop peace and acceptance.
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Reversed Love & Relationships
The Two of Swords reversed in love appears when you aren’t listening to your intuition about a romantic matter. You are overthinking your decisions in love but ignoring your feelings.
The Two of Swords reversed followed by the Three of Swords shows you feel stuck in love and have to face facts. A disappointment or heartbreak looms, but you may ignore the red flags.
You find the freedom to follow your instincts but at the cost of your connection with someone close to you. Choose between autonomy and pleasing a partner.
Reversed Money & Career
The Two of Swords reversed in career and money readings suggests you feel backed into a corner. Impulsive actions and choices free you from a stagnant path but lead you to uncertainty and insecurity.
Your ideas and beliefs stand in the way of your career growth. Your professional life is hindered by doubts and limiting beliefs. You follow misguided advice and regret your choices in your career.
Impulsive choices hinder your financial stability. You may get into debt because you didn’t understand a contract. You make a risky investment and get ahead of yourself in financial matters.
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Reversed Health
The Two of Swords reversed in a health reading suggests you are following advice without digging deeper to explore what is best for your health. You may change your beliefs about healthy diet and routines, but your attitude becomes fickle.
The Two of Swords reversed can indicate a period of heightened anxiety. You are not grounded and make decisions based on fleeting ideas and impulses. You don’t have a solid game plan and are changing your strategies too soon.
Worries about your health lead you to disregard advice and try to figure things out on your own. Yet your ideas are not grounded, and you end up following impulses rather than coming up with a plan.
Reversed Spirituality
The Two of Swords reversed in a spirituality reading indicates a loss of faith. A challenging decision leads you to question your beliefs. You may abandon your traditions or pursue a guru without first researching or contemplating a new ideology.
You follow whims and impulses when the Two of Swords is reversed in a reading. You mistake anxiety for intuition and may follow a misguided leader because you aren’t thinking critically about your beliefs.
The Two of Swords appears in a spirituality reading when you are being tested. You are ignoring red flags and resorting either to suspicions or naive compliance.
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