The Eight of Pentacles tarot card meaning relates to career, work, and health. Your efforts bring abundance, and you are on track for success.
You set a foundation for growth and promotion through attention to detail and steady effort.
The Eight of Pentacles tarot appears when you are near accomplishing your goals. You’ve almost found completion and success in a long-standing issue.
Continued effort is needed, but you are close to accomplishing your desires. Don’t give up when the Eight of Pentacles appears.
Your work leads to promotion and wealth, but you must put the finishing touches on a project. You’re not yet ready to move on to a new job or career.
Upright | Methodical, Persistence, Effort |
Reversed | Futility, Insecurity, Sabotage |
Yes or No | Yes |
Arcana | Minor Arcana |
Element | Earth |
Zodiac Sign | Taurus |
Angel Number | 8 |
Stone | Garnet |
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Common Symbolism
The Eight of Pentacles depicts a worker sitting on a workbench carving the image of a pentacle into a disk.
Six Pentacles are stacked and hanging from the trunk of a tree in front of the worker. Another pentacle is on the ground at his feet.
The symbolism of the Eight of Pentacles represents diligently working at a craft or trade. Your skills are in focus, and you have experience in your craft or profession.
The imagery of the tree and workbench suggests the link to the earth element. Practical matters are in focus. Pay attention to the essential resources that help you build your foundation.
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Upright General Meaning
The Eight of Pentacles is sometimes called the Eight of Stones, Gems, Coins, or Disks. The earth element corresponds to this tarot card, making its meaning focused on career, money, and wealth.
The Eight of Pentacles appears when you are close to achieving a goal and working hard to establish your foundation. Your business or career grows and you are productive and efficient.
Your work is fulfilling, and you begin to see the impact of your efforts. You are efficient and creative, and the Eight of Pentacles indicates you are on a path to wealth and prosperity.
The Eight of Pentacles yes or no indicates a favorable response. You are encouraged to continue efforts toward career goals. You’ll see evidence of success soon, and prosperity awaits.
The Ace of Pentacles followed by the Eight of Pentacles portends fast progression. You may get a fresh start in your career and quickly advance to higher responsibility. Your workload is fast-paced, but your efforts are rewarded.
- Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Suffering & Protection)
- Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Abundance & Pretentiousness)
- King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Authority & Greed)
- Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Ambition & Misguided Effort)
- Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Financial Growth & Inefficient)
Upright Love & Relationships
The Eight of Pentacles in love speaks to practical effort in your relationship. You work to make your partner feel secure. You can put effort into setting the stage for a satisfying relationship.
Money, finance, and resources are in the spotlight when the Eight of Pentacles appears. Your connection grows, and you establish a stable and satisfying baseline.
Your pursuit of a love interest pays off, and you soon learn your love interest shares your feelings. Your relationship has been a one-way street but your love interest soon expresses their love and attraction to you.
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Upright Money & Career
The Eight of Pentacles in career and money readings suggest you make headway and establish a solid professional foundation. Your effort brings early signs of success, and you find the motivation to persevere.
Your reputation speaks for itself, and word gets out that you are gaining ground. Continue your pursuit of a specific goal, and your ambitions result in wealth and success.
The Four of Pentacles followed by the Eight of Pentacles suggests your income may double soon. You break from stagnation and find the momentum needed to pursue your career dreams.
The Seven of Pentacles followed by the Eight of Pentacles indicates you face prolonged stagnation followed by slow growth. Don’t give up; success takes longer than expected.
The Eight followed by the Nine of Pentacles indicates you reach success and abundance faster than expected. A nurturing, successful woman steps in to help you when the Queen of Pentacles follows the Eight of Pentacles.
Upright Health
The Eight of Pentacles in health indicates steady growth and healing. You build up stamina and strength with effort. Go back to the gym or level up your workout.
Anchor yourself with healing routines, and you succeed when the Eight of Pentacles appears. You’re on your way to recovery and may bounce back from an injury or illness.
The Five of Pentacles followed by the Eight of Pentacles shows recovery from an accident or illness. You must work to restore your health and return to baseline, but effort ensures your growth and healing.
The Three of Pentacles followed by the Eight of Pentacles suggests a team effort to restore your health. You find stability and growth thanks to a support network.
Are you at a crossroads? A psychic reading can help guide you.
Upright Spirituality
The Eight of Pentacles in a spirituality reading means you are ready for profound spiritual growth and transformation. A significant rebirth or initiation awaits.
Work through hidden wounds and traumas, and you can find healing and release. New awakenings and epiphanies empower your spiritual path.
You may become more engrossed in a spiritual quest and seek hidden mysteries and ancient wisdom. The Eight of Pentacles challenges you to put your ideals into practice through ritual and meditation.
Reversed General Meaning
The Eight of Pentacles reversed indicates inefficient habits. Your strategies aren’t working, and trying harder doesn’t lead to the breakthroughs you were expecting.
Your income doesn’t match the effort you put into your work. Your career hits a dead end, and you are on a treadmill that isn’t accomplishing what you want.
You may sabotage yourself, and fear of failure leads you to spin your wheels ineffectively. You aren’t going to succeed unless you change course. Your strategies aren’t working, and you must make significant changes.
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Reversed Love & Relationships
The Eight of Pentacles reversed in love suggests you are obsessed with a love interest who doesn’t share your feelings. You need to release an attachment to someone rather than trying harder to win their love.
Accept the loss of a relationship. A partnership is not reciprocal. Someone is stringing you along, and you must break a connection to heal and move on from a dead-end relationship.
Your relationship is stagnant; find closure and move on. Your efforts are ineffective. You can’t salvage your relationship and must accept a loss.
Reversed Money & Career
The Eight of Pentacles reversed in a career reading means you realize your work is going nowhere. Let go of your expectations to move on and find something better.
Your career path must change, but you keep yourself stuck in an unsatisfying and ineffective role. Look for a new job rather than trying to salvage your current career path.
You are working hard but not making progress. The only way for you to thrive professionally when the Eight of Pentacles appears is to choose a new path. You can’t work your way out of a stagnant situation.
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Reversed Health
The Eight of Pentacles reversed in a health reading suggests you are ignoring an escalating health problem. Don’t repeat what isn’t working. You must face the music and be honest about your health status.
Find the root cause of health problems. The Eight of Pentacles reversed in a health reading shows you are on the brink of a transformation that helps you improve your health.
You are prone to work-related accidents or injuries if you aren’t careful. Avoid carelessness and look for ways to slow down and protect your health and safety at work. Change your routines to avoid long-term health damage.
Reversed Spirituality
The Eight of Pentacles reversed in a spirituality reading indicates lost direction, confusion, and lost faith. You feel disillusioned with your traditions or religious affiliation.
Your spirituality is in turmoil, and you must question your beliefs to find what is true for you. The Eight of Pentacles reversed challenges your spiritual connection.
The path to spiritual awakening requires transformation and a deep quest for truth. Work through past wounds and traumas so you can strengthen your connection.
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