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Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Complacency & Acceptance)

Updated September 21, 2024

The Four of Pentacles tarot card meaning relates to stability but can also indicate hoarding or stinginess.

You may be comfortable or complacent when this card appears. You are holding on to resources and may be reluctant to share.

The Four of Pentacles card indicates you have the resources you need. Though it is a card of balance, it is also complicated.

You meet your needs but have little breathing room and may feel financially stressed. Anchor yourself and remain practical.

The Four of Pentacles appears when you must be strategic and prudent. Delegate your resources wisely and avoid hoarding.

Four of Pentacles Tarot Card
UprightSecurity, Complacency, Hoarding
ReversedRelease, Purging, Acceptance
Yes or NoMaybe
ArcanaMinor Arcana
Zodiac SignVirgo
Angel Number4

Common Symbolism

The Four of Pentacles card is called the Four of Coins, Gems, or Stones. The prevalent symbolism of this card involves a figure seated with arms holding a large Pentacle on his lap.

His chin rests on top of the Pentacle on his lap. The figure’s feet rest on a Pentacle on the ground. The fourth Pentacle balances on the top of the man’s head.

The figure sits facing the foreground, and a cityscape is visible along the horizon in the back of the card. His posture seems tight and restricted, suggesting it is a struggle to maintain your finances and resources.

The Four of Pentacles symbolism is often simple and minimalistic. Other variations include images of four Pentacles set against a patterned background.

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Upright General Meaning

The Four of Pentacles in a tarot reading implies comfort or complacency but not luxury or abundance. You break even and see the fruits of your labor begin to take shape, yet it’s not time to rest easy.

You must be vigilant to protect what is yours. Boundaries and discretion help you claim your territory and stretch your budget. You can see an easier time in the future, but you haven’t yet acquired the resources which allow you to sit back and relax.

You are concerned with security, stability, and saving for a rainy day. Your finances are not abundant, but you have what you need to get through the day. You may be jealous, possessive, or territorial.

The Four of Pentacles in yes or no questions is unclear. The answer is to wait, be patient, or see what happens next. Though a favorable answer, the Four of Pentacles implies you will have what you want, it will be a struggle to maintain.

The Ace of Pentacles following the Four of Pentacles implies a new beginning helps you break from stagnation. The best way around a work challenge is to break free and start a new career path.

The Four of Pentacles as a person implies someone cautious, reserved, introverted, and concerned about career and money. You may meet someone hesitant or possessive when this card appears.

Upright Love & Relationships

The Four of Pentacles in love suggest clinginess and jealousy. You are holding on too tightly, and your partner may feel stifled by your grip on the relationship.

You feel secure and comfortable with your partner, but you may be leaning too heavily on your loved one. Your introverted side emerges, and you enjoy spending time at home with a loved one.

Family and home are your priority when the Four of Pentacles tarot card appears in a reading. Work with a partner to establish household routines and focus on practical matters, including finances and budgeting.

You may hide your emotional connection to a loved one and instead focus on work and money matters. Avoid letting materialism become a surrogate for love and emotional intimacy.

When you draw the Four of Pentacles, jealousy abounds in your relationship. A partner may be possessive or clingy. The Four of Pentacles advice is to avoid controlling relationships.

The Queen of Pentacles in a reading with the Four of Pentacles indicates a nurturing, generous, and caring woman who helps you feel secure. A romantic relationship with a successful business person helps your career advance.

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Upright Money & Career

The Four of Pentacles in money and career readings indicate you find purpose and connection through your professional life. You may substitute work for social relationships and must avoid workaholism.

You may feel secure with your career path, but the downside is that you are making work your home away from home. You may neglect family and friendships and spend too much time anchored to your office.

The Four of Pentacles advice is to be more flexible. You hold on too tightly to expectations and are not open to going with the flow. Your career path is stagnating, and working harder doesn’t bring more profit.

Your finances will improve soon, but you may feel like you are working too hard barely making ends meet. You may be disappointed in your finances, but doing more of the same thing doesn’t bring change.

You may be too comfortable and resistant to disrupting the status quo, Yet your path to abundance and prosperity requires you to break out of habits and routines if you have to get outside your comfort zone.

Upright Health

The Four of Pentacles in health indicates you are maintaining the status quo. An illness or injury heals slowly. Good health and strength continue, yet you aren’t as strong or energized as you desire.

Routines and habits perpetuate stability. Avoid introducing new diets, supplements, or exercise trends. Stick with a tried and true approach to health.

Your path to wellness and recovery involves cutting back or reining in your energy. Avoid jumping on bandwagons. Your health is best when you work on grounding and staying focused on your goals rather than quick fixes.

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Upright Spirituality

The Four of Pentacles in spirituality indicates you struggle to see beyond your material needs. You may have somaticized intuition, but your faith is challenged as you struggle to imagine abstract possibilities.

Your spiritual path is reserved and restricted to tradition. You may cling to the trappings of your spiritual practices but struggle to go deeper into spiritual exploration.

Be open to expanding your mind. Your spiritual path requires you to balance introspection with contemplating new possibilities. Look beyond your immediate surroundings to find spiritual guidance.

Reversed General Meaning

The Four of Pentacles reversed brings relief. You can let go of tension and expectations and may gain new insights and become flexible. You are willing to embrace change when this card is reversed.

You may feel liberated when the Four of Pentacles is reversed. A burden on your shoulders is released. You can adapt and stretch beyond your comfort zone.

Your sense of security is enhanced when the Four of Pentacles is reversed. You realize you don’t need to hold on so tight and can relax and let go. You recognize you’ve been hoarding and using materialism to hide wounds.

You find healing and release now because you are secure enough to let go. You may be more faithful and optimistic when this card appears reversed.

Are you at a crossroads? A tarot reading can help guide you.

Reversed Love & Relationships

The Four of Pentacles reversed in love, and romance is a positive omen. You become secure in a relationship and can give your partner space and breathing room.

You don’t need to hold on so tightly when the Four of Pentacles is reversed. You can be flexible with others and release possessiveness and jealousy.

The Four of Pentacles reversed brings new insights and helps you open your mind and change your perspective regarding love and romance. A partner or love interest helps you relax and let go of control.

The Four of Pentacles reversed followed by the Five of Pentacles indicates shaky ground following a risky decision. You take a leap of faith and struggle with the outcome. Adapt your financial plans further so you can find balance.

Reversed Money & Career

The Four of Pentacles tarot in money and career readings has complex meanings. You have been clinging to rigid beliefs but must let go of your expectations.

You either realize your budget and plans are insufficient and give up on your tight grip over finances, or your income increases so that you no longer need to be so rigid. Change is coming for better or worse.

Usually, the Four of Pentacles reversed indicates loss of the status quo and improvements or advancement at work. Your career grows, and you must find a new approach to keep up with the pace.

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Reversed Health

The Four of Pentacles reversed in health has a similar indication as in money and career readings. You get a break from the status quo, which may bring good news or conflict.

You can find healing from a long-term illness or injury. A period of homeostasis is disrupted by injury if you were healthy before. You have less wiggle room and maybe accident or illness-prone.

If you’ve been careless with your health routines, you can outrun consequences but not forever. The Four of Pentacles reversed indicates burnout, exhaustion, and injuries that result from chronic stress. Work-related injuries, such as repetitive-motion injuries are likely.

You may become sick because of the long-term build-up of toxins in your surroundings. Ignoring your diet brings consequences that did not impact you in the past.

Reversed Spirituality

The Four of Pentacles reversed in spirituality disrupts your peace and serenity. You may have a wake-up call that propels you to search for spiritual fulfillment.

Although the Four of Pentacles reversed in spirituality indicates a challenging time or conflicts, it also results in wisdom. You expand your understanding because of a challenge.

Your complacency or comfort is disrupted enough that you begin asking deeper questions and searching for meaning. The Four of Pentacles reversed can bring new awareness and expand your mind.

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