Tarot Ash

Seven-Day Tarot Spread

Updated February 17, 2025

Wondering what is a good daily tarot spread? Seven-day tarot spread ideas abound online.

A seven-day tarot spread with an additional bonus card representing the week’s theme is simple yet effective.

The seven-day tarot spread gives you insight into lessons and guidance for each day of the week. This spread helps you maintain perspective and focus.

A seven-day tarot reading is a stress-free spread that helps you grow and avoid challenges. You can find answers to daily problems and make the most of your resources.

This spread is simple enough for beginners to use but gives insight that advanced tarot readers appreciate. Learn what you need to know for your week ahead with this forecast.


Traditionally, the first card in the seven-day tarot reading represents the beginning of the week. The first card corresponds to Sunday, but you can begin this spread on any day and count seven days ahead.

Shuffle your tarot deck and place the first card to your left. The first card in this spread summarizes the lessons and themes of the day for Sunday.

If a major arcana card appears in the first position, you face significant lessons on this day. A recurring spiritual theme presents opportunities for growth and evolution.

If a wands card appears in this position, you are encouraged to be active and passionate. You can be intense and determined with an energetic beginning to your week.

A sword card in this position indicates a lesson on being strategic and thoughtful. You face conflict but can succeed if you outwit your adversary.

A cup card in this position places family and relationships in the spotlight. Your feelings and intuition guide you today. Pay attention to the message from this card so you will understand what you must heal.

Take a slow start to the week when a pentacles suit card appears in the first position. Be intentional in your work and set a foundation for the days ahead. Money and career matters are prominent.

Seasons change and so do you. Chat with a psychic!


The second card in the seven-day spread goes next to the first, forming a horizontal line. Place the second card to the right of the first card. This card represents the lessons and themes for Monday.

Some cards in this position indicate challenges, tension, and dilemmas. Your week is off to a rocky start if the Three of Swords, Five of Wands, or Seven of Swords appears.

You can expect an exciting and inspiring start to the week if the card in this position is the Knight of Wands, the Fool, or the Wheel of Fortune. You are inspired and optimistic as you face the day.

Cards with challenging connotations bring strife but can indicate lessons. You can grow and evolve if you pay attention to these cards.


Place the next card to the right of Monday’s card and continue this horizontal line. The third card in a seven-day spread tarot card meaning tells you how the day will unfold.

A pentacles card in this position encourages you to focus on your career and work. If you want to understand more about your relationships, look for cup cards to appear in this position.

You must be on your guard if the Seven of Wands, Five of Pentacles, and Three of Swords appear in this category. A court card in this position puts focus on someone in your life.

Someone serves as a helpful guide if a knight, queen, or king appears in this position. A young person inspires you if a page appears in this position.

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Place the fourth card in the reading to the right of the third. This card gives you insight into the middle of the week. By now, you may notice a theme.

The cards you’ve uncovered relate to each other or indicate progression or common themes. The card in this position indicates a turning point. By mid-week, you will see whether your plans come to fruition or if you need a detour.

Pay attention if this card is a major card. A card from the major arcana indicates spiritual guidance and lessons. You can’t progress without learning these lessons.

Different spreads in tarot use the positions of the cards to represent nuances of a question or situation. But a seven-day tarot card reading allows you to be open-minded to the messages and lessons throughout the week.


The fifth card in the seven-day spread in tarot represents the lessons and events that take place on Thursday. The card in this position shows what you must do to tie loose ends.

The card for Thursday either shows the outcome of your effort earlier in the week or indicates unintended consequences. Obstacles that appear in this position challenge you to use your resources wisely.

A reversed card in this position indicates a situation that drags for days to come. Work to adapt your plans so you can resolve a problem. If numerous cards in this reading are reversed, your week is frustrating, and you feel restricted.

Learn your boundaries and limits. This reading may point to unavoidable conflicts that require time and effort to solve.

Are you at a crossroads? A psychic reading can help guide you.


Place the next card to the right of the previous card, extending this horizontal line. This card represents events for Friday. You may look forward to an eventful weekend, but pentacles cards indicate work and responsibilities in the spotlight.

Cards like the Three, Nine, or Ten of Cups indicate a day of celebration and connection with loved ones. The King of Wands or Pentacles suggests a meeting with your boss before the week’s end.

Your Friday brings excitement and travel if the Page or Knight of Wands appears. Your travel plans are thwarted by unexpected delays and detours if the Chariot appears in this position.


Saturday’s card completes your view of the days of the week but is not the last card in the reading. Once you place this card to the right of the last card, completing the horizontal row of cards side by side, you can gain a holistic perspective on the week ahead.

Look for repeating themes or patterns. You may see the progression of events in two patterns. One pattern is the advancement of numbers. If Tuesday’s card is an Ace, Friday’s card is a two, and Saturday’s card is a three, growth is likely.

Notice regression also. If Sunday’s card is a ten, Monday’s card is a nine, and Saturday’s card is an eight, you may feel like you are moving backward from your goals.

Progression can also be indicated by the presence of all four suits. If the suits present through the seven days, from wands to swords to cups to pentacles, you move toward your goals.

Your ideas lead to action, then emotional connection followed by manifestation. Yet if your weekly tarot spread is predominantly pentacles, expect delays and slow movement.

Saturday’s card rounds out the week’s forecast. You may see a conclusion to your projects and the completion of a plan. Yet Saturday’s card can also indicate a work in progress continuing to the following week.

In the seven-day tarot spread, relationships between the cards are as crucial as interpreting each card’s meaning. Pay attention to how the cards in your reading correspond to each other.

Get a glimpse of your future. This reading will guide you.

Bonus Card: Theme

Although Saturday brings you to the weekend, the seven-day tarot spread doesn’t end there. Select the eighth card and place this card to the far right of your last card with a space between the daily cards.

The final card is a bonus card signifying the overarching theme for the week. The unifying theme or lesson brings empowerment and a broader perspective.

Ideally, if this card is a major arcana card, lessons are clear. The major arcana speaks to prominent life lessons and easily unites the themes of the daily cards.

Yet if the eighth card is a minor arcana card, the lesson or theme relates to the card’s suit. An ace suggests a new beginning and abundant energy related to the card’s suit.

If a king appears in this position, the lesson involves mastery. You can evolve and grow to new levels when the bonus card is king. A queen guides you to nurture others and share your strengths.

A knight in this position guides you to make changes and become more adaptive. Be flexible and open to serving others when a knight appears in this position.

If a page appears in this position, the theme of the week is to remain innocent and look at the world with the eyes of a child. Your lesson involves wonder and optimism.

You may find a weekly tarot spread free online, but using your layout helps build your skills. You can assign unique meanings to the bonus card which online spreads often don’t include.

This spread is more comprehensive than a three-card weekly reading. You can use the seven-day tarot spread with an eighth bonus card to discover significant lessons and guidance for your week.

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