Tarot Ash

Ash Dobbs

Ash Dobbs
Since I was a kid, I’ve always been fascinated by Tarot readings and the occult. I share my experience and knowledge on this website, as a modern witch.

Recent Articles

The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning (Growth & Alienation)

The Hermit Tarot card signifies wisdom and development. The Hermit finds answers without being influenced by others. Although the Hermit is considered solitary, the card denotes a mentor with an unconventional perspective. The Hermit tarot card indicates growth in solitude. Retreat from everyday distractions and tune in to higher wisdom. Take a break from routines […]

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Suffering & Protection)

The Five of Pentacles tarot card meaning relates to havoc and disruption in your career, health, and finances. Your housing, work, or stability are in jeopardy. Work on connecting with others who can help you thrive and become self-sufficient. The Five of Pentacles brings news of financial difficulties. You may carry a burden of a […]

Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Humility & Alienation)

The Nine of Wands tarot card meaning indicates frustration and challenges. Critical feedback leads you to reconsider your plans. A prolonged conflict is near resolution. Your pride is hurt, but you can learn from a challenging situation. The Nine of Wands appears when you are under pressure. Perfectionism weighs on you, and you must let […]

Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning (Invitation & Disillusionment)

The Page of Cups tarot card has complex meanings. Like all tarot courts, it represents a situation, person, or both. When the Page of Cups appears, prepare for an announcement regarding home, family, and love. The Page indicates new opportunities. The Page of Cups is associated with children or the youngest in the family. The […]

Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Acceptance & Instability)

The Ten of Swords is an omen of your struggles ending. Accept a conclusion that is not ideal. You are free to move on and start a new project or chapter of your life. A stressful period comes to an end. The Ten of Swords indicates surrender and relief. You find an imperfect resolution, and […]

Four of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Harmony & Pettiness)

The Four of Wands tarot card meaning relates to milestones and celebration. You reach an achievement and have reason to rejoice. The Four of Wands indicates support from friends and family. Harmony, joy, and happiness abound when this card appears in a reading. When you draw the Four of Wands in a tarot reading; you […]

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (Ambition & Misguided Effort)

The Seven of Pentacles tarot card meaning relates to work, finances, and health. Effort and time spent on a project pay off. The Seven of Pentacles is sometimes called the Seven of Coins, Stones, or Gems. The card indicates long-range success. The Seven of Pentacles tarot card appears during a long-term project requiring effort and […]

Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning (Catharsis & Stagnation)

The Knight of Cups tarot card corresponds to a person, an aspect of your personality, and events in your life. Knights indicate change. The Knight of Cups relates to a change in relationship status. A relationship improves, and someone expresses desire. The Knight of Cups is a messenger of love and brings change and advancement […]

Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meaning (Encouragement & Manipulative)

The Queen of Cups tarot card meaning relates to a person, personality traits, or a situation. The Queen of Cups is the maternal nurturer of the tarot. The Queen of Cups shows love and encouragement. She is intuitive and empathetic. The Queen of Cups tarot card appears in a reading to highlight your personality traits […]

Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Travel & Wasted Effort)

The Knight of Wands tarot card meaning relates to changes, messages, and bursts of passion. You have new momentum and are focused on your mission. You are close to success and close in on your goals. The Knight of Wands can represent a person, situation, or characteristic. You have an opportunity to travel and benefit […]