Tarot Ash

Twelve-Month Tarot Spread

Updated February 21, 2025

The twelve-month tarot spread gives you a long-range forecast of events for the coming year. This spread is ideal for New Year.

Yet you can start a twelve-month spread with tarot any time in the year and make predictions for the months ahead.

The twelve-month tarot spread helps you anticipate themes and opportunities coming your way. Use this spread when you want to understand upcoming challenges and breakthroughs.

The twelve-month tarot spread is free online but is so easy you can learn to do it yourself. You can find empowerment and wisdom to help you overcome obstacles.

You can use this spread to gain insight into your spiritual growth and learn what is blocking you from success. You can plan the best times for relocation, job changes, or travel.

Month One

Shuffle your tarot card deck and place the first card far to your left. Leave room beneath this card as you begin one row that will have another row underneath it.

The first card represents month one. If you use this as one of your tarot spreads in December or approaching the beginning of the year, this card corresponds to January. However, you can use this spread any time during the year.

If you use this spread at the end of July, then August would be month one, September would be month two, and so forth. This is the first place in the tarot spread for the upcoming month.

If the first card is a major arcana card, expect significant changes or spiritual lessons in the month ahead. A considerable issue emerges this month, and it has implications for several months in the future.

The first month as a minor arcana card is most likely recognizable as it is the near future. For example, if you are applying for jobs and the card for month one is the Ace of Pentacles, expect a new job opportunity.

Aces indicate new opportunities. A card from the wands suit in the first-month position portends a busy month with excitement and activity. Expect adventures and spontaneity.

A swords suit card in the first month portends the need for strategy and thoughtfulness. The month is tense, but you can see your way through a challenge by being rational and witty.

If the first month’s card is from the cup suit, love and emotional fulfillment are in the spotlight. New love, a repaired relationship, or a show of support are likely.

The pentacles suit in this position indicates matters related to abundance and security. Prosperity comes your way in the next month, and your work is in the spotlight.

Seasons change and so do you. Chat with a psychic!

Month Two

Place the next card to the right of the first. This easy tarot spread’s layout consists of two horizontal lines. The second card represents month two. Still, shortly, month two’s message may resonate with you, or bring a surprise.

The second card represents the themes, opportunities, and lessons you encounter two months from now. If the card in this position is a major arcana card, expect a life lesson to emerge.

You may find love this month if the Ace of Cups, Knight, Queen, or King of Cups appears. An existing relationship improves if The Lovers, the Two of Cups, or Six of Cups appears.

You may receive a promotion in your career if the Queen or King of Pentacles appears. The Ten of Pentacles suggests you complete a project or reach a career milestone.

Expect creative breakthroughs if the Ace of Swords appears. The Six of Wands portends leadership and influence. You may travel or have lucky breaks if the Fool or Wheel of Fortune appears.

Month Three

The third card belongs to the right of the second card, extending the horizontal line. Now that you have three cards in a row, a narrative emerges informing you about your path during the next three months.

You can find patterns and understand how the issues from one month impact the following month. You may see progress or stagnation, sabotage or transcendence. Look for ways the cards correspond.

If they are all cards of the same suit, focus on the lessons associated with that suit. If each card brings a balance of different suits, you are using many skills to succeed.

If the majority are major arcana cards, expect an exciting time. Whether benevolent or challenging, the major arcana cards bring intense energy and growth.

Examine the cards for numerical progression or regression. If the cards in months one through three advances, expect growth and expansion.

For example, if the cards in months one through three are the Six of Wands, Seven of Cups, and Eight of Swords, the suits bring one level of interpretation, but the numbers indicate growth regardless.

The numbers being close to ten suggest you are near completion of a project. However, if the number progression involved two, three, and four, you are making progress but still not close to completing a task.

You may also see numbers going backward, for example, the Ten of Swords, Nine of Cups, and Eight of Wands. This suggests you must retrace your steps and backtrack or slow down.

Are you at a crossroads? A tarot reading can help guide you.

Month Four

Place the fourth card to the right of the third. This card represents the fourth month in this cartomancy spread and teaches you what you can expect during this month. By now, events are a considerable way into the future.

You may not recognize the events this card predicts. Keep your mind open to new possibilities or changes you aren’t expecting. A lot can happen in four months, and you may not anticipate twists and turns.

For example, if the first month brought news of a new job (the Ace of Pentacles) which you were expecting because you were applying for jobs, you won’t be surprised. But if the fourth month’s card means your work is unfulfilling such as the Four or Seven of Pentacles, you may be shocked.

You may expect your new job to solve the burnout. Yet if the card in the fourth-month position indicates you face the same issues, you may wonder how this can be possible because of your expectations.

Be open to the news you aren’t expecting. Remember you are doing a tarot reading for a broad range, such as a year in advance. Be prepared to learn insights you aren’t anticipating.

Month Five

The next card in the twelve-month tarot spread meaning is the fifth month. Place this card to the right of the previous card. Follow the same steps to interpret the meaning for this month.

Consider the message of this card as it pertains to the fifth month and in conjunction with the cards drawn so far. Continue to explore themes that emerge between the cards.

Pay attention to themes in the distant future cards, such as months three through five. Look for suits that repeat. If court cards appear, are they progressing from Page to King? Or are the same court cards of different suits appearing?

These patterns can reveal the issues you face in the months ahead. A progression of court cards can indicate your growth and maturation. Court cards from different suits suggest various helpers.

Are you at a crossroads? A live tarot reading can help guide you.

Month Six

The next card belongs to the right of the previous one. This card will be the last in this line. You now have a half-year forecast and can glean insights into the changes and issues you face for a six-month time frame.

The next six months of cards create a narrative of ups and downs you can expect. You may see a pattern of growth or challenges in love, health, family, or career.

You may see a variety of themes, as certain months highlight love while others focus on matters of work or health. Six months is a long enough time to gain insights into how your year will begin to unfold.

You may not recognize events described in the sixth placement. Unlike tarot spreads for the week ahead, this reading looks far into the future. Be open to interpreting the cards as they are, not based on what you know in the present moment.

Month Seven

The seventh card begins a new horizontal row beneath the first. Place the seventh card beneath the first, on the left of your spread.

A major arcana card in this position indicates the second half of the year begins with a dramatic lesson or spiritual matter. A theme that emerges during this month can extend for several months if a major arcana card appears.

If the seventh card is a court card, this card can represent your personality during this month and the strengths you need to tackle challenges and thrive. The court card can also indicate a person who helps you.

If you don’t recognize the person represented by the court card, take note of the personality this card describes. You may think you know who the person is but may be surprised. The person described by this card maybe someone you haven’t met yet.

The seventh card as a wands suit indicates action and adventure. Expect to be busy during this month. A catalyst such as the Tower, Seven of Swords, or Five of Cups indicates upsetting challenges.

Get a glimpse of the future with a tarot reading!

Month Eight

Place the eighth card to the right of the seventh. Use the same method to interpret the meaning of this card as it relates to the eighth month.

For each card, remember to interpret the meaning for the month and in conjunction with the previous months. The spread reads like a storyboard.

Doing this helps you understand how events connect. Catalysts for changes in a specific month often begin in the months prior. A bird’s eye view shows how actions and choices lead to events months later.

Month Nine

The next card for the ninth month goes to the right of the eighth and below the third card. You have a broad view of the year to come. You can discern upcoming events or roadblocks.

Many reversed cards or a section of reversed cards indicate delays and detours. Reversed minor arcana cards indicate obstacles that can be overcome with a change of perspective.

Yet a pattern of reversed major arcana cards indicates delays that relate to your spiritual evolution and growth. Matters related to the reversed major arcana card are not easily overcome.

Lessons in patience and acceptance often relate to reversed major arcana cards. If a pattern of reversed major cards appears you must slow down and accept a process that brings lessons.

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Month Ten

The tenth card belongs to the right of the ninth and beneath the fourth card. By now, you may see a resolution to conflicts or conflicts.

Keep an open mind toward your interpretation of the ten-card tarot meaning. You may not understand the full context of the events described by this card. One card for a month this far in the future gives a summary.

Look for patterns related to growth, limitations, life lessons, and warnings. Minor arcana cards indicate disruptions that are easily overcome. Major arcana cards portray issues you may not be able to alter.

Month Eleven

The eleventh card belongs under the fifth card and to the right of the tenth card. Interpret the message of this card. Apply what you’ve learned so far to this interpretation.

The eleventh-month card can indicate major changes and growth if it is a card from the major arcana. Completion or finality are represented by tens of any suit or the World or Judgment cards.

Interpret the eleventh card for this month and as part of the larger spread. Look for patterns related to the suits and numbers among the cards for months eight to eleven to understand how events progress.

Get a live reading right now to learn about your future.

Month Twelve

The final month’s card goes under the sixth card and to the right of the eleventh card. This is the last card for the series of twelve months but not the last card in the spread.

Interpret this card as you have the others. Remember that although this is the final month in your spread, time and events continue. You may not see completion or resolution in this card.

If the Hanged Man or Eight of Swords appears in this position, you may feel like the situation remains in limbo. This means an issue carries from one year into another before you resolve it.

Bonus Card: Theme

The last card in this spread is a bonus card describing the theme or overarching lesson for the year. Place this card far to the right of the top line.

If the bonus card is from the major arcana, you can easily translate the meaning into numerous life areas as the major cards relate to spiritual lessons and archetypal themes.

Yet if the card is from the minor arcana, pay attention to the theme of the suit. The Eight of Cups, for example, has a specific meaning that relates to the theme of the year. Yet the suit of cups relates to connection and relationships.

In this case, the theme is relationships and connection. Your lessons deal with alienation or empathy. This is your lesson that connects each month’s message.

If the card is the Four of Swords, pay attention to the card’s message and the theme of the swords suit. Both inform the lesson you face as the year progresses.

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